Boredom [MF] [oral] [non-con]

(This was inspired from an /r/dirtywritingprompts post by /u/TheWebExplorer)

She was bored, nothing to do, no humans to torment currently. It was dull, she’d left the city for some much needed R&R, witchcraft didn’t necessitate being amongst nature but it helped to recharge the supernatural batteries so to speak. Her eyes fell upon a broom gathering dust in the corner, maybe a ride through the forest could get her out of this funk! Hilda rose up, brushing off her short grey skirt, dust was everywhere in the abandoned cabin she’d ‘appropriated’ for her vacation. Grabbing the broom she swiftly went outside, blinking at the bright sunlight illuminating the dense forest surrounding the cabin. She looked around, chewing on the end of her dark green braid as she wondered how to go about this. She’d never actually USED a broom before, her mother had taught her teleportation charms instead as a child, chiding her for wanting to learn but never explaining why not.

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