[mf] My ex’s late night visit.

4AM. I couldn’t sleep, neither could you. A text with just three words, “I miss you.” I replied, “I miss you too.”

It had been over a week since we last spoke, after nearly a year of being together. We had broken up, but it was clear neither of us wanted it. She wanted to see me, I told her to come over. “It’s too late…” she said, I disagreed. We both lived at home, but I needed to see her, to hold her. It didn’t take much to convince her and within minutes, she was on her way to my house.

She parked on the street, quietly closing her car door and sneaking down my driveway. I opened the front door as quietly as I could, afraid of waking anyone. She walked in, then straight upstairs, no words needed.

Friends came to visit with their daughter [MF]

Katie was the 19 year old daughter of my parents friends. We’d known each other for years and even gone on a family vacation together once. She was 3 years younger than me, quiet and shy, but also a bit bratty. We’d never really talked in the whole time we’d known each other. When she was 16, her family moved far away from us. Then two years later, my family moved and we now lived close to Katie’s family again.

In the summer, her parents decided they were going to visit us for a few days. Katie had just got out of her first year of university, so her parents convinced her to come with them to relax.

Our house had two parts. The main house where my parents lived, then a smaller cottage that I lived in. Their house had 3 bedrooms, but one was their office. I had a spare bedroom, so Katie would be staying with me. I wasn’t too excited for this, she had always been difficult to get along with and not very nice, but I hadn’t seen her in three years. But I didn’t think we’d be seeing much of each other anyway, I would have to work all day and she would be out with her parents most of the time.