Activating an Android [MF][Scifi]

Not particularly happy with this story, but I can't figure out a way to change it and make it better. So I'm finally posting it here to move on to other things. Any feedback is appreciated, and the full story can be found here. Thanks for reading!

He lay slumped on the couch, head tilted to one side at an appalling angle. His eyes, glassy and unfocused, were pointed in the general direction of the dingy, smeared screen. Trashy daytime TV illuminated his dark living room, distorted soap operas washing over the dusty floor, the cracked paint, the pile of unkept dishes in the sink. A casual observer might mistake Eli Stevens for a corpse if they were to miss the imperceptible rise and fall of his chest

The sun penetrated a tiny slit in the faded curtains, illuminating the pattern; one that had gone out of style nearly twenty years prior. The brilliant sliver of light crept timorously across the floor, synchronized with the dingy hour hand on the wall clock. It remained ignored until, finally, it fell on Eli’s face.

My first attempt at writing “funny” erotica: The Succubus Fails to Seduce

The story with better formatting can be found here. A fun, short story I wrote. Not very long, but enough that I thought it should be shared! Thank you for reading. Let me know what you thought!

The succubus harumphed, her lip sticking out in an adorable pout. Inside the circle, she crossed her arms, sticking out a hip to bump the invisible barriers holding her in place. She scowled at the rugged, leather-clad man opposite her. He leafed through a book, squinting in a vain attempt to read the faded, yellow pages, slowly, gingerly turning them between his rough, tanned fingers. One of them cracked, crumbling into powder. He swore, then finally turned to her.

“Damn you, Brismée of Hell,” he snarled, slamming the ancient tome onto the table. A cloud of dust billowed over the chamber. His beady eyes bored daggers into the red-skinned demoness. Nonchalant, she flipped her hair over her shoulder with a flick of her wrist. The raven locks tumbled down her back as she laughed, the light music of her voice a stark contrast to her horns and long, thin tail.