Heaven or Hell?

She lies on the table, sightless, her arms bound above her head, her legs to the bottom of the table, gently stretching her. How long has she been here? she doesn’t know. Time has no meaning for her, only the longing for contact in whatever form it takes.

What will come next? Warm lips on her nipples or mouth, fingers trailing up her thigh towards her hot, wet pussy, the gentle caress of a flogger stroking her skin. all have happened, all will no doubt happen again.

She feels a presence near her, but still no contact comes. twice she has been brought almost to the point of orgasm and twice it has been denied to her, left lieing on the table, exposed, vulnerable, and silently screaming for relief. Maybe this time, this time the torment will end and she will be allowed to cum. All her inhibitions have left her, she no longer has control over what happens to her so why fight it or worry what may or may not happen.

Categorized as Erotica

But that was then and this is now.

We had talked on the internet for a few weeks. Everything he had said had intrigued me and we had got on well.

We had been introduced by a mutual friend who told us that I was just what he was looking for and as the chats went on and got more flirty it seems she was right.

But that was then and this is now.

I am in a strange town following the only instructions I have. To go to the indoor ski slope and find the milkshake bar. Once there I was to text him. In reality it was easy to find so out came my phone wondering what will come next.

“Remove your shoes and socks if you are wearing them, put them in the bin beside the milkshake bar and then order a milkshake. I’ll be watching”

I look at my phone dumbfounded. Why didn’t he just come and say hello? Why throw away my shoes. I know why but that doesn’t stop the questions. Why? As a sign of my submission. Why? Because I told him that it wouldn’t be a problem. Why? Because that’s what he wants. It all seemed so safe in chat.

Categorized as Erotica

No Release Until Dark

My idea was simple, I love being bound. I love being bound for long periods and feeling helpless. My boyfriend is very good at providing this but there is always a safe word, there is always that feeling, even though I know I won’t use it, that I can get out whenever I want.

So we came up with a plan. We had found this cave a long time ago and used it to play many times. It is quite well hidden from view and deep should I need to hide in the darkness. It is also very small. In the entrance I am able to kneel without stooping too much but as I go deeper I have to lie down and I can barely roll over within it’s confines.

The valley between it and my car however is not hidden, it is very well used by dog walkers and joggers in the mornings and evenings and families during the day. With what we had in mind this was perfect.

Self Bondage Adventure

Why do I do this to myself? It is not the warmest night, I would be quite happy at home on the sofa with a bottle of wine and a movie so why am I here putting myself through these torments?

I’ll tell you why, as much as I try to fight it, as much as I would rather be snug and warm, I love the idea of what I am about to put myself through. The risk, the tension and the adventure. They all do things to me that I wouldn’t change for the world.

Let me set the scene. I have parked my car in a secluded car park next to a woodland area. I grabbed a bag from the boot and, after checking everything was in place, locked the car and hid the key under one of the wheels.

Setting off through the woods I have to make my own path, animals live here but where I am going no other people head for so I am forging my own route. Pushing through the undergrowth and trekking through the soft dark soil.

The Unexpected Encounter

My first real job in IT (my chosen career for my sins) was as a computer operator for a large distribution company. You know the kind of thing, a couple of offices tacked onto a huge warehouse. Once a month, one of us would have to go in on a Sunday to do a backup of the systems. It was a long day of sitting around doing not a lot and feeding tapes into a machine. I explored the warehouse fully during those days. Being the only person in the building does lend a certain amount of freedom.

And then the internet came along, it was a new and magical place (not the all-pervasive thing it is now) and my friends wanted to see it, so some Sundays I would have company for these trips while my mates explored the web.

Categorized as Erotica

Don’t fall asleep

The sun beat down upon her as she walked through the forest. Even in daisy dukes and a t-shirt she was hot and glad she brought plenty of water with her. She took another swig from the bottle before swinging her pack back onto her shoulder.

Walking along the edge of the woodland path, trying to keep to the shade as much as possible she enjoyed the relaxing afternoon. She had been walking for hours, enjoying the time with herself, and had got so deep in the forest that she had not seen signs of any other humans for ages. In fact the path she walked along looked like it had probably only been travelled by deer before now.

As she walked she heard the distinct sound of running water up ahead and before long came across a small stream and pool running alongside the path. She unslung her pack before sitting on a rock at the side of the pool. Slipping off her trainers she allowed her bare feet to slip into the cold water, soothing away the stresses of walking, cooling her body as the cold water drew the heat away.

Categorized as Erotica

I wonder, a lament

I wonder, does she remember fondly the times we spent together as I do? The times when I enfolded her in my arms. The tingle when we kissed. The moments talking in pubs and after snogging in the car park. The nervousness when I made her go barefoot. The vulnerability of being handcuffed.

I wonder, does she realise the effect she had on me, realising that here was a girl who didn’t dismiss out of hand my wants and desires. Who seemed to enjoy the tease of doing what I asked. Never seeming to be put off by it.

I wonder does she remember in the same way how vulnerable she looked with her tiny hands locked behind her in unyielding steel? How worried she was when I left her bound in the car for a few minutes. How the woods felt when she was alone with me.

I wonder if she remembers how my cock tastes as vividly as I remember how soft her lips were and how wonderful it felt as she tentatively engulfed it with her mouth?

I wonder if she longs for more time? Wonders what would happen if we’d had an hour? An evening? A weekend? A lifetime?

Categorized as Erotica

Finding the one [Bondage]

We sat in the restaurant, we had been here since the early evening and now the waiters had been cleaning up around us. Too caught up in each other we hadn’t noticed the passage of time.

This was our first date and we had a lot to talk about. Of course we had spoken at length over email and IM but nothing can quite compare to that first meeting, the first rush of excitement when you realise that the reality matches the fantasy or at least seems to so far.

She is sitting across from me, slightly away from the table with one leg crossed over the other. Her short dress riding up her thigh and her long bare legs ending in a pair of heels. To say I was captivated was an understatement.

As I said, we had talked at length over email. Discussing our likes and dislikes, our wants and desires. She had told me everything I had wanted to hear and from the fact that she was here I had said the right things too. As the time drew closer to paying the bill I felt that I needed to test what she had told me.

Anoymous Afternoon [Bondage]

I knew it was her. Not because I knew what she looked like but because she was doing what I had asked of her.

She stood in a light summer dress and heels, making her legs look luscious, with her hands crossed at the small of her back. She had been standing there for about 30 minutes while I sat in the coffee shop window watching, waiting to see if she would arrive.

Her train had been on time and from the throng of people I got my first look at her as she emerged from the station and moved out of the crowd to stand where I had told her to wait. She had to be nervous and because this was a British summer and it was raining she also had to be cold but she wasn’t fidgeting. Her feet together, her head held high, proudly, defiantly, daring the world to question her existence there. a couple of times young men had approached her, presumably to ask her if she was OK and on each occasion with a smile and a flick of her hair she sent them on their way.