Her [Str8][FfM]

She had known that she was a cheating little whore since the first second she had laid eyes on her. Jane, the next door neighbor, had always strutted around the neighborhood like she owned the place, showing off her tight little body in skimpy little outfits that pissed off every wife on the block, except for the odd lesbian couple down the street. But for Alex, she hadn't as really thought much about her until the first time that she had caught her in the bathtub with her husband…

She had been away on a business trip and wasn't due to be home until late the next day, but with some crafty negotiating she had managed to change her flight to a day earlier. Instead of telling her husband she thought she would surprise him. Though in retrospect she realized that just such a scenario was how so many divorce proceedings must have started.

She Walked In [FFf][Les]

Borrowing a cup of sugar from a neighbor, it was so common and prosaic that it might as well have been from a Norman Rockwell painting Jane thought to herself. She was sure that the nice lesbian couple next door would be more than happy to help her, and really it would save her an unnecessary trip to the supermarket.

She pondered what it was like to be with another girl as she walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. Although she had a boyfriend, and had been with a few guys before him, the clumsy, feeble fumblings of the boys she knew had never done much to arouse her or satisfy her in any significant way. Although a close friend had once offered to eat her pussy during a sleep over she had been too shy to take her up on the offer, though the image of another woman kneeling between her legs had burned in her mind for a long time after.

She was confused when no one answered the door. She could tell that they were home because both of their cars were in the drive and there was music playing somewhere back in the house. She waited for a bit before ringing the doorbell.

Online Dating [mF][Str8]

Online dating was weird, and he had dated a lot of weird chicks. Like seriously a lot…

There was the chick with the sock puppet. Thats right, an honest to god sock puppet. The date had started out pretty well, they had laughed, they had joked and he was pretty sure he was going to get laid when she had invited him back to her house for "coffee". Then sometime between making out and the bedroom, just when things were headed in the right direction, out came the fucking sock puppet. She even did an insane little voice when she made it talk. What was worse than trying to get him to kiss it was when she had tried to make it give him a blow job. Though he supposed that given that it was a sock puppet it would actually be a hand job, but the point was that it was weird. He had beat a hasty retreat and she had seemed confused and angry that he hadn't called her back for a second date…

Dark Night [MF][Mdom][nc][Fsub]

He watched her sidle up to the bar to pay her tab, gazing at her as she carefully rifled through her oversized purse to find her wallet. He had been watching her since she came in, almost an hour before, and they were the last two people left at this point. She had come in and immediately headed for the bar. At first it had appeared as though she was there to meet someone, and she had looked around the bar for awhile before settling down and ordering a drink. When he realized that she was waiting for someone he had almost given up, but when it became apparent that she was alone his interest was refreshed. He watched her with the hungry gaze of a predator on the hunt. He followed her movements as she paid her tab and headed out the door with an intensity that might have frightened her had she noticed, waiting only a moment before he followed her example.

My Step Sister [mf][oral][preg]

Our parents got married when I was 14 and she was 13. From that point on it was pure chaos. Although I spent most of my time at my mother's house most of my weekends were spent with my dad, my step mom and my step sister. We were like oil and water in the beginning, fighting with pretty much every breath we took. Though after awhile, as we started to grow up and the marriage stopped being so new things changed, albeit slowly at first.

At some point, although to tell you the truth I don't really remember when, I started to notice that she was becoming a woman, and that I was well on my way to becoming a man. Her mother was a very busty woman, and she took after her mother in this respect, starting to develop early and well. Although she used to sit in my lap and hang around my neck I had to put a stop to that as the side effects of close contact were… uncomfortable.

As the years went on we developed a strong relationship, and in fact became all but inseparable during our high school years. Although I still remember, with a strong twinge of jealousy, when she got her first boyfriend, though I was utterly confused by the emotions I felt.

My Stepmother [mF][FF][oral][voy]

My dad left the summer I turned 20, joining my mother in death. All I had left was my sister and my step mom. I love my step mom. Now let me be clear, I don't mean that I love her like a mother, I have never thought of her that way, I mean I am in love with her. She married my dad a few years after cancer claimed the life of my mother when I was 16. She was, and always will be to me, gorgeous, and from the moment I met her I wanted her to be mine.

The first time I saw her naked is something that I will never forget. I snuck into their bedroom on one of the rare instances when both of them were out of the house and wired a small camera inside the bathroom vent, providing me with the perfect view of the master bedrooms shower. I knew that if the camera was ever found I was as good as dead, but these kind of thoughts simply didn't hold weight against the force of my desire.

Sex in a Taxi [MF][reluc]

The taxi pulled up to the terminal gate at the Portland International airport, fighting its way through the unending flow of traffic as people hurried to and from their planes.

She shuffled through her purse quickly, her heart rate jumping rapidly. She was positive that she had seen her credit card in here somewhere when she left the house, but now that it was time to pay she couldn't find it anywhere. The taxi driver sighed loudly in obvious annoyance at the delay. She finished tearing her purse apart and came to the unhappy conclusion that her credit card simply was not here.

"Problem?" The drive asked, his voice filled with scorn. Appearing to be around the age of 30 he had a body that appeared to have been lovingly crafted by long hours at the gym, and the frown on his face said that he was not the kind of person that you wanted to disappoint, for your own safety.

"Well I seem to have lost my wallet…" she muttered, she could feel her face flushing red in shame. She had never had something like this happen before. She wasn't sure what happened to people who couldn't pay their bills, but she was sure she didn't want to find out.

Fuck Toy [F][oral][Str8][bdsm][Fsub]

She sighed, stirring slightly as light filtered in through the windows. Slowly opening her eyes she shivered, the still air of the bedroom chill in the early morning light. She wished, not for the first time, that she was allowed to wear clothes, or that he would at least keep the place warmer. She huddled up on the mound of pillows that covered the inside of her cage, trying to conserve as much of her body heat as she could. She was careful to make as little noise as possible, enjoying the quiet solitude before the work of the day started. She could hear him gently snoring on the bed nearby, and she gazed enviously at the thick comforter that covered his bed. It had been nearly a year since she had signed her contract, agreeing to be a fuck toy for 5 years in return for having all of her debts absolved, and although there had been some ups and downs, she was quite sure she would do it over again if she were given the option. Although some of her treatment was quite humiliating, by design of course, her master was not as cruel as some. The fuck toy contract protected the toy in a number of ways, such that they could not be killed, or seriously injured, and there was a minimum level of care that had to be met, such as being fed every day and having sufficient medical care provided. The mere fact that she was allowed to have pillows in her cage was a blessing that many other fuck toys would have killed to have.