Alec and Brianna (6 of 10) [MF] [Dark] [Smoking] [Running] [voy] [huml] [Roleplay]


Your covert study of my every move has revealed a tantalizing little secret – I appear to have a crush on my personal trainer, Langston. And even better, I am hiding my smoking habit from him.

You watch with mild fascination the first time he comes over while you are away. You notice, an hour before my session, that I start to get ready – I shower, brush my teeth, dress, put up my hair, and apply light perfume and make-up. But contrary to my regular habits, I keep my cigarettes hidden and out of reach. Then, even though my training sessions with Langston are two hours long, I still refrain until after he has left our house.

While I am with Langston, you notice that I am cheerful and friendly. I often ask him to help me get into a particular pose or to show me which muscles I am working – both of which require him to touch and manipulate my body. For his part, Langston is cordial, but you cannot tell if he has any particular affection for me. If he does, his professionalism keeps his desires in check.

Alec and Brianna (5 of 10) [MF] [Dark] [Smoking] [Running] [Smoking-voy] [Fdom] [prost] [Roleplay]


“You made good time today – only 47 minutes,” you casually comment. “I was thinking about that 5K coming up in February…” you pause.

“What about it?” I ask, taking a final drag from my cigarette.

“I bet you could do the half-marathon instead…if you wanted to. A 5K isn’t a challenge for you. Why not do the half-marathon? You’ve got 6 weeks to train for it.”

I eye you curiously. You’ve never been particularly interested in my running before, and you’ve never challenged me to take on harder runs. I don’t entirely trust you, but you’ve stimulated my competitive nature. “You know I did a couple triathlons before we met,” I brag.

You pass me your pack of cigarettes. I absently take one and start to smoke.

You smile as I play into your hand. “How did you feel when you were done?”

“It’s amazing,” I say, smoke streaming from my mouth. “The adrenaline rush is wonderful. And you are tried, but you feel so energized…” I stop to take another drag from my cigarette.

“So do a half-marathon in February then.”

“Okay. I will,” I am beaming as I accept your challenge.

Alec and Brianna (4 of 10) [MF] [Dark] [Smoking] [Coughing] [Running] [huml] [Roleplay]


I am overjoyed with the progress that I made with you during our honeymoon. I have changed you from a pure sweetie to a nicotine jonsing addict in the space of a month. And I am excited by the possibilities yet to come. For it is not enough for me that you have given in to my coercion. You must love smoking. You must crave it.

For the next several months I undertake a simple course of Pavlovian conditioning. On those days you smoke heavily, I reward you with gifts, approval, and passionate lovemaking. On other days, I act moody, speak little, and turn away from you in bed. The technique has its effects. Gradually, without meaning to, you increase your intake day by day, week by week. You go from ten cigarettes to twenty. The day you smoke thirty for the first time I keep you up half the night with torrid romance. I even love it that you interrupt our play twice to get another fix.

Alec and Brianna (3 of 10) [MF] [Dark] [Smoking] [Imprisonment] [mast] [huml] [Roleplay]


That afternoon you watch me pace nervously around our villa. I snack on olives and cheese, trying to ignore my desire to continue smoking. A part of me wishes that you would just make me, so then I would have no choice. But that thought triggers a flashback from the day before. My throat tightens painfully and my eyes tear up as I remember what you did to me. And then today – locking me in the library with that pack of smokes. I know you did that just to tempt me…and it worked.

My heart is heavy as I walk out on the balcony. I feel betrayed. I know you purposely hid all of this from me until after we were married. You knew I would never take up smoking voluntarily, and yet you courted me for a year, knowing that you would never take no for an answer. I start to cry. The balcony door is open, and you can hear me sobbing. But you stay inside, watching and listening from a distance.

Alec and Brianna (2 of 10) [MF] [Dark] [Smoking] [Imprisonment] [NC] [Roleplay]


It is 10am before I rouse myself the next morning. I wake slowly, snuggling up to my pillow and breathing in the fresh ocean air. I feel relaxed and refreshed as I gently transition to wakefulness. You watch intently from the balcony. My eyes flutter open, a look of tranquility on my face. I smile warmly as I catch your gaze.

You continue watching as I make my way to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my hair. You start to fantasize about how my morning routine will soon be forever changed…forever corrupted. You imagine me waking each morning in a mild panic, desperate to fill my lungs with toxic smoke. You see the mirror filled with my smoky reflection as I brush my hair, a cigarette burning between my lips.

Moved by this image, you come in from the balcony and grab the Nicogel off the night stand. You come up from behind and begin rubbing the oil on my bare shoulders. I am instantly reminded of the night before. I close my eyes, lean my head back against your chest, and let out a contented sigh. You continue to press your fingertips deep into my muscles. After several minutes, my scalp starts to tingle slightly. “Mmmm. That feels so good,” I utter, eyes still closed.

Alec and Brianna (1 of 10) [MF] [Smoking] [Roleplay]


She is finally mine.

A year of waiting, an interminable courtship, but you have surrendered and are locked to me forever after. Now comes the exquisite shaping of you to my desires. And particular desires I have.

A year of pretending not to smoke while I was with you– I have suffered on weekend trips and long evenings. I think you will soon understand this experience in a very personal way.

Now everything is arranged. A month long honeymoon to the southern coast of Italy. A seaside villa in a remote town. You will be entirely under my control and at my mercy. I have lain my plans long ago when your innocence so affected me.

This is an innocence that is not to last.


I feel like the luckiest woman alive as I look out over the Tyrrhenian Sea. Jagged rocks sit between our 2-story cottage and the pristine blue waters below. A cool breeze sweeps across my face as I stand on the balcony. I watch two men windsurfing – their brightly colored sails darting back and forth across the waves.

Alec and Brianna (10 of 10) [MF] [Dark] [Smoking] [Coughing] [cuck] [reluc] [prost] [Roleplay]


I give Quinn his instructions. He is only too happy to help in my little intrigue. Then I eagerly get back to my observations.

I watch you light one cigarette after another. I love that I have left the hook so deep in you. That night, I order another girl from SmokingHot.

She arrives dolled up to the nines. Dark red lipstick as I specified.

"Ah Ember." I say "Nice to see you."

"Sure" she says.

We make out in front of the observation cam. Then I have her sit and smoke in the same posture I observe you in. She smokes very sexily. 100's in a long black cigarette holder. I jump her when I can hold back no longer, spilling the ashtray.

"Take it Brianna!" I shout.


"Shut up" I say as I enter her.

She struggles because she knows I like it that way. They must have quite a file on me at their company. I finally get her pinned down and give it to her good.

Alec and Brianna (9 of 10) [MF] [Dark] [Smoking] [fdom] [prost] [Stalking] [Roleplay]


In the week that follows, we barely speak to one another. You are hauled up in your study, at the office, or out with associates. I sit at home, dragging incessantly on my tobacco-filled friends. If you were paying any attention to me, my behavior would probably excite you. Several times a day, I emphatically stomp out my cigarette, swearing it will be the last one I ever smoke, only to cave to my cravings two or three hours later. Twice, I throw out my whole carton…forcing myself to drive to the nearest convenience store for more. And, in spite of my efforts to quit, I find myself nearing three full packs a day for the first time. I am miserable, hopeless, helpless, and depressed.

On Saturday, Nancy Thomas calls, and I reluctantly agree to meet her at the mall. Maybe some retail therapy will help me feel better. I chain smoke the entire way there and still need to take a smoke break after just 30 minutes. By the time we have been at the mall three hours, I am already on my fourth trip outside.

Alec and Brianna (8 of 9) [MF] [Dark] [Smoking] [Coughing/Choking] [Imprisonment] [voy] [cuck] [reluc] [prost] [Roleplay]


Two hours later I appear with a tray. "Apparently you have frightened our Mrs. Jeong. I will have to bring the food now. I don't think you will have much luck overpowering me."

"Alec, please, I'm begging, what does it take?"

I take a cigarette from a case in my jacket. You lunge for it, but the chain brings you up short.

"Repeat after me 'I am a nicotine jonsing whore.'"

"WHAT??" You begin screaming and throw everything on the tray at me. I calmly return the cigarette to its case and leave you.

The next time I bring a tray, I find you weeping. "Please Alec, don't make me…"

I wait. Finally, you look up "I… I am a nicotine… jonsing whore."

I go on "'Who will do anything and everything necessary for my fix'."

You repeat "Who will do anything and everything necessary for my fix."

I toss you the cigarette and you are greedily puffing it within seconds. The rush is intense. It has never been like this before. It is like a drug.

When it is gone you look are me expectantly.

Alec and Brianna (7 of 9) [MF] [Dark] [Smoking] [Medical] [Imprisonment] [Roleplay]

I started posting these over a year ago in a different subreddit. They are pretty niche, so I never posted the final chapters. However, I've received several PM requests asking to see the rest of the story, so here it is…. (See comments for links to parts 1 thru 6.)


As the months pass, I abandon my efforts to quit smoking. I just love it too much to ever stop. And you reward me lavishly for my failing. You have our pool converted to saltwater, send me to Paris for three weeks, and buy me a red Mercedes convertible. I am the envy of all of my friends, even if they do speak in hushed tones about my unbecoming 2.5 pack a day habit.

You also bring over several men who share your enthusiasm for women who smoke. They compliment me on my deep drags and ask to see my lipstick ringed butts. When I cough, they hand me my cigarettes and tell me the menthol will help. And the more I smoke, the more they flatter me. You buy me many different brands, including hand rolled cigarettes, and even a few cigars. And you and your friends watch with merriment as I try out each one.