[gay] [M] [bondage] Let’s Wrestle~

Hi I’m writing a small gay sex story tell me what you think! Also I know nothing about wrestling, or dicks because I’m a lesbian lmao

“Aye Danial it’s your turn to wrestle” my coach says in his deep voice, i look to see Kyle, with his blond hair and dark blue eyes- uh it doesn’t matter, I slowly walk up to the area, Kyle jumps in, and we grab each other shoulders, he gets in my face, he’s known for being gay, I’m not judging of corse

He quickly pins me to the mat our body’s close together , I didn’t even get a chance he’s so strong, “I win sweet cheeks~” he whispers in my ears “L Let’s go again I can beta you!” I say as confident as I could, he smirks and coach cuts in “actually you do need more practice, after school you to should definitely practice with a partner, right now others need the mat”

“Yes sir” and I scamper to the locker room to change, as I walk in Kyle walks in to, and grabs me by my shoulder “we could practice at my house” he says, using his other hand to hold my chin, I push him off me, I want to beat him, but…. is this safe? Of corse it is what am I thinking