First experience [MF][Msub][Fdom][Oral]

My body shakes as I take the first, tentative steps down into the basement. Alice prods me with a bat from behind; and I almost chicken out. My breathing's fast and unsteady. I can't think straight. The basement is dimly lit, and very cold. It's lined with old stones that seem to give the whole place a darker tone. I reach the bottom of the steps and I look around. Alice, my girlfriend; hadn't let me come down in weeks. What I saw made my heart skip a beat. There, in the centre of the room was a table with cuffs attached to each corner. I begin to turn towards Alice; but I get a quick rap on my ribs with her bat, and I quickly look straight ahead. "Go and lie down on the table" she commands me, and I follow. I lie on the table, and spread my arms and legs so she can tie me down. She had found my internet history a few months earlier, and apparently I hadn't cleared it well enough. My legs begin to shiver as I think about what she's going to do. I hear her walk around the table; but I can barely see her in my peripherals. I feel her stop just above my head and a black blindfold falls over my eyes. My cock pulsates. She straps down my hands first, and soon I'm completely immobilized. I begin to shiver, and I wait for a sign that she's there. Nothing. I try listening for footsteps, a creak, anything. It's silent. I wait. 5 minutes. Nothing. I whisper softly "are you there?". I feel a sharp pain on my stomach. A strap!? I immediately go silent, but I can feel blood rushing to my cheeks. My cocks still hard. Suddenly I feel her tugging at my pants. She quickly undoes them; pulling them, and my boxers towards my bound ankles. My cock stands upright. My heart is beating at an unimaginable pace. I feel a cold hand grip my dick, and she speaks. "You've been a naughty boy". I can feel my cheeks go deep red, and my cock begins throbbing. "Today, I'm going to teach you a lesson". She lets go of my cock and moves to the side. Immediately I feel the strap on my bare skin, and I almost welp in pain. Once. Twice. Three times. She doesn't go softly. She moves around my legs, from my ankles to my crotch. She doesn't hit my cock; which I'm thankful for. Eleven. Twelve. I grit my teeth in pain; I can't believe this is happening. Nineteen. Twenty. She stops. I gasp, suddenly aware that I've been holding my breath. She grabs my cock again and starts pumping. "Do you like that you slut?" She questions me. "Y-yes" I reply. She lets go of my cock again, and I hear her move to my head. I feel a hard slap on my cheek. "Yes what!?" She demands. "Yes mistress" I reply. "Better" is all I hear. She moves to the side again, and I feel a weird donut shaped object cover my dick. Immediately, it starts vibrating. I bite my lip to hold back the moan. I hear her approach my head again. This time she climbs onto the table. I feel her straddle me; and sense her wet pussy near my face. "Go" is all she says and immediately I push my head forward, vigorously licking her pussy. She nudges forward, and I'm no longer able to move away. My head is pressed hard against the table and she's sitting her pussy on my mouth. I manage shallow breaths between licking her pussy. All while the cock ring still vibrates. I can feel the cum building up but I'm unable to release it. I keep licking her pussy, and I feel her orgasm on my face. She stands up off the table and walks toward the door. She pulls the cock ring off on her way out; and I feel the cum splurt out. She walks out slowly with nothing but a "enjoy yourself" before she shuts the door.

Horny Pet Play [MM][Msub][Oral]

I slowly get down on my knees; and look up keenly at Jack's face. I'm trembling slightly, but am unsure if its the nerves doing it; or the cold air against my bare skin. Jack smiles and leans down. He wraps a small studded collar around my neck. His strong, harsh scent immediately makes me feel safe, and my cock begins to throb pleasantly. The collar feels tight around my neck, but I enjoy the way it feels. It's a constant reminder of my place. Jack stands up, and I look up at him, already so horny at the thought of the whole weekend resembling this. Jack stands there a moment, looking down at me; then softly nudges me away with his foot, and walks over to begin making dinner. He had already bound my feet and my hands together; so all I could manage was a slow crawl over to the kitchen. I knelt at the corner bench and peered at jack intensely. He was cooking creamy pasta for dinner, one of my favourites. His small, petite ass bounced playfully up and down; and my cock grew hard watching him. I layed down on my side, and rested my eyes. It was cozy on the floor; especially knowing I was in safe hands.