Never written erotica, lesbian story beginning. Looking for opinions

You called me in the middle of the night… you were ready. I questioned wether you were serious or not. I know how you like to mess with me. Tease me. So I tease you back. Always telling you that when you are ready for a woman, that I’d be here to… “break you in.” Give you a comfortable, memorable, and amazing first experience. You, always rejecting those offers & advances. Over the years it has become a joke between us. Naturally I would just think this was just another instance. I quickly realized though that this time…… this time you were ready. Needing the attention. Yearning for passion, a thirst to feel desired.

So much time you’ve spent with people whom don’t care about your needs. You’re always catering to the needs and desires of others. You are ready to receive what you have given out all this time, yet haven’t received in return. I’ve always ribbed you about the fact that you’ve never tried sleeping with a woman. That that could solve these problems for you.