Solace in Valencia Pt3: Lust and Trust

*collected thoughts of Valencia*

All I heard you you say was a simple *“hello”*…but I was captivated. And I was mesmerized by colorful words following and the fireflies in your eyes that I didn’t understand at the time, I was drunk with the envy of your calm.

Because over time—You spoke to me in words of prose. Carefully constructed verbs and adjectives meant to build me up—shake the foundations of what belief systems I had left. Only to drag me down and choke me with the halo I so proudly wore.

You spoke to me of physics and constructs, of immutable laws and permanence. As if I was even malleable to begin with…this pull you have on me and the quiet reckoning you possess
is intoxicating. And I gave up control willingly before I even understood the price.

You spoke of the dependence and importance of one to each other like a force of nature without mercy…like the catalyst and the constant, the solid rock meeting the butterfly, and the ripples of causation and effect.

Then almost insultingly…offering up the gift of four letter words. Letting me stagger and struggle with conviction to choose wisely as if I even had a choice:

Categorized as Erotica

Solace in Valencia Pt2: Stones and Castles of Glass

I found that transparency is a concept of imagery and radical belief, but it’s a double pane we’re looking through…I see you exist, while staring back at the reflection of me. The world captured between us is of poise and grace collected and framed to scale with blissful clarity. Upon your arrival here, meeting your gaze, I hope you begin to take in the depth and weight of what’s being given?

“I have one rule,” I say…

*“We don’t throw stones while surrounded by glass—unless you’re willing to own the mess you make.”*

Walking around you letting my footsteps echo in the room…examining your posture and eagerness, I continue “In your time here, we stand to emulate this concept of safe and secure, confiding in our own comfort. Eventually you’re going to realize it’s a prison that has been created. So what have you?! Should we shatter the walls we use to protect ourselves?! Or break the very promises that lay the foundations of our demise little one?”

*I pause…thinking carefully how to approach this. Using a deep tone and whispering…while keeping eye contact.*

Solace In Valencia Pt1: How to Feel

It’s still too hot…”kids temp” meant I should be able to taste my drink I thought. Coffee…If this is considered coffee, tasted more like a liquid donut. It was 05:57am at Starbucks, it’s interesting watching people as they rush, almost like they didn’t plan that everyone else here wants the same illicit drug. And who am I to be prideful, I fall to the same narrations as I order my five adjective long drink…*”simple can be so complicated sometimes”* I think to myself.

As she arrives, we greet, and I take her coat and lay it on the chair adjacent to mine. I walk her to the counter signaling her ahead as she recites her own order, as I watch and study.

We sit down sheepishly at dawn in this very public place while I grab my own drink and sip to test the temperature again…holding my pen and notebook and begin writing. I stare—listening, while we share secrets, and I have her running in circles with questions making her recall memories. I searched for moments where she spoke of boundaries, expressed and embodied some form of confidence in her words until she finally broke, and came to a realization, through that a request:

Categorized as Erotica