The Geisten Darrow Chronicles – Vol. 2 [MF] [hotwife] [voyeur] [mf] [paranormal] [fiction]

There were many reasons why his childhood could have been a bad one, but when you have parents who think the world of you and want only what is best for you, your childhood tends to be a good one. The goodness followed him into his teenage years. And so did the shadows.

Geisten first manifested the power at the age of ten. It was during a family outing at a frisbee golf course. His parents, Mark and Felicity, and his biological father, Lucas, looked on as he got ready to make his first throw of the day. He was standing eleven yards away from the frisbee basket. Following their instructions, he threw the frisbee and they all watched it fly through the air and miss the basket by a yard.

Geisten dropped his head in disappointment, but Mark ran to the basket and pointed at something at the base of the post, calling the rest of them over. Geisten followed Felicity and Lucas to see what Mark was indicating. They saw to their amazement a shadow the shape of the frisbee at the base of an empty basket.

The Geisten Darrow Chronicles – Vol. 1 [weird] [FM] [hotwife] [fiction]

The volcanic rock Lucas had bought for my wife was more than what it appeared to be.

We were three hours into the afternoon, in room number fourteen, on the fifth floor of a hotel on a small Pacific island. The curtains had been drawn all the way back to allow the sunlight into the room. Neither of us felt exposed as we undressed because our room and all the others on this side of the hotel looked out over a vast tropical jungle with a not-so-active volcano visible in the blue distance.

I assumed the position of voyeur, sitting naked in a chair between the window and the bed, while Felicity and Lucas held each other for a moment, familiarizing themselves with their lover’s naked body before he picked her up in his strong arms and gently laid her on the bed.

First came the visual phenomenon that the room had gone darker too quickly. The sunlight gradually turned orange, red and then maroon in the space of a minute. The obsidian pendant attached to the necklace Lucas had bought for Felicity at the outdoor market started giving off sparks of red and yellow energy as it hung around her neck.

The Temp [hotwife] [FM] [interracial] [fiction]

*Featuring the wife of -Bornstellar-117 as Nikki Calimeris.*


A trio of male college interns ogled the sexy brunette as she stepped out of the red Honda Accord and crossed the car park of the Sony complex in Silicon Valley, California. She was dressed in an alluring, tight-fitting, primarily green, elf costume.

“Hey, gorgeous,” said one of the more forthcoming young men.

“Hi there, handsome,” replied Nikki Calimeris. “Would you kindly point me to the console coding section?”

They gave her directions, she thanked them and walked into the complex.

Her phone rang as she entered the reception area. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her new Sony Xperia 5. It was a gift she had received two days ago from the same person who had helped her get a job – a temporary one – at Sony. The job was to decorate eleven Christmas trees placed in various offices at the Sony complex with her own custom-made festive baubles.

“Hi, honey,” said Nikki.

Her husband Dan was on the other end of the line. He had been away for several days on a business trip and had told Nikki he would be home that morning.

The Nerd Strikes Back [fmmmmmmm] [straight] [fiction]

*Featuring bittybytebaby as Ruby Warner.*


It begins with a late transfer to the 11th grade class of Urstwyn High School.

“Please introduce yourself to us, Ms. Warner,” says Mrs. Prior.

The alt girl with pale skin, tattoos, blue hair, and dark blue eyes rises from her seat to address the class. “Hi. I’m Ruby. I’m originally from Dalton. I was attending Dalton High School before I transferred here.”

Before the girl can sit down, Mrs. Prior asks, “And how did you come to move to Urstwyn, Ruby?”

“My dad got a new job here after he was fired for blowing up the laboratory he used to work at. It was an accident but he was fired anyway. Two people died in the explosion.”

A murmur goes up from the class, but it dies down quickly when Ruby adds, “I’m more into computers than chemicals, which is what my father is into. He’s a chemist. I hope to be a web designer someday.”

That first day for Ruby goes by quickly and before the final bell rings, she has a boyfriend named Quentin from 12th (final) grade and has given him a blowjob in the library.

Final Support [FM] [hotwife] [dom/sub] [fiction]

It had come to this.

She always knew it was a very likely outcome, but not in this particular way. She felt guilty as well. Karen knew that most of her friends and relatives would side with her husband, Gary, if the full story ever came out. She highly doubted it would.

She would never tell the truth of it, if pressed for a story, and neither would Gary and Nick. They were bound by their initial agreement, and despite the current state of separation, they would stick to it. She silently thanked the fates that she could have such confidence in these two men who had given her so much joy, passion and pleasure for almost a whole year as part of a love triangle-slash-open marriage.

Her friends and relatives would only know that Gary and Karen Hubble had come to a disagreement in their eight-year-long marriage that could not be reconciled, and so they had settled for a divorce and she had soon after shacked up with Nick Argos, a co-worker of hers who had been supportive during this difficult time of divorce. This story would be accepted and everyone would move on, including herself, Gary and Nick.

Toad Story [toads] [MF] [MFFF] [straight] [incest] [fiction]

*Author’s Note: Literary license has been applied in the writing of this story. Some of the events depicted may not be factually correct in regards to toads. Thank you to GarnetAndOpal for providing several sources of inspiration. Most importantly, no toads were harmed in the making of this story :)*


Dear mental diary,

I think I screwed one of my daughters yesterday. She kept calling me daddy while I banged her fuck hole really good. Don’t worry. It happened between consenting adults.

What position? Regular mating, but I went to pound town on that cunt. Nursing a sore pussy with a lazy smile on her face, she told me she’d send word when the eggs hatch, so I could see my progeny swimming about.

I told her straight up, “Girl, if you really are my daughter, you don’t want me seeing the grandkids you’ve given birth to. You know how fucked up that would be? Most likely, I get there and they’re all grown up – who gives a shit about some old toad anyway?”

To which she responded, “Yay! Then we can have a big family orgy to celebrate!”

Laughter in the Fall [FM] [sensual] [tickling] [fantasy]

*To GarnetAndOpal for being a light of goodwill, constructive discussion and positivity. Shine on!*


The temperature had dropped that afternoon, but Victor’s heart rate sped up as he neared her house. It had been six years since he had last seen her with his own eyes, but they had kept in touch during his time overseas. He was wearing the sweater and beanie she had knitted for him over the summer. She had many talents, knitting was only one of them, but one that she was quite good at.

He could almost hear his heart thumping in his chest as he turned onto the pathway leading up to her house. Everything looked different and yet the same. She was still big on fall decorations, but the porch seemed to have been rebuilt and painted a different color. He paused in front of the door, trying his best to get his heart rate down. He could definitely hear his heart beat now. This is not good, Victor told himself. Down boy!

The front door opened suddenly and he had to jump back to avoid being hit by the outward swinging fly door.

“Whoa, ma’am!” he yelped.

Hard Pool [FMMMMMM] [hotwife] [interracial] [straight] [fiction]

*Inspired by the picture posted by u/ throw_away2185_*


I was burning through the complete season 1 DVD set of Dukes of Hazzard when I got a text from my pal Gil.

*Dude, it’s getting hot in here. Where are you?*

I texted back:

*Feeling down right now, bud. Talk to you tomorrow?*

Gil knew about Clarise dumping me four days ago. I had been hurting at first, then the pain subsided into a dull ache. I remembered how watching Bo and Luke cause vehicular mayhem in weekly re-runs during my childhood had never failed to make me happy. Now seemed like a good time to get some of that happiness back. Gil had called me that morning to see how I was doing and to invite me to a party he was hosting in his newly modified garage. Not wanting to upset him, I had said yes, but my heart told me no as it was telling me now.

Gil texted:

*If you’re thinking this is going to be like the last time when you got bored ten minutes in and had to leave, I’m telling you, man, this ain’t that time. Check out the video I just made. Can’t argue with you anymore, bro. This lady demands full attention and I’m giving it! Dayummm!*

Masque [FM] [cheating] [fiction]

They were arguing again, the couple next door. In their mid-twenties, the wife was a gorgeous brunette, the husband a handsome blonde. They were perfect, except for whatever it was that had them quarreling constantly. They weren’t as bad as some other couples I had seen, but it was annoying to know I had moved from the city in an attempt to escape the rowdy urban environment to this small, quiet town, and yet somehow I had managed to set myself up as a neighbor to the only couple in town with marriage issues they chose to play out in stereo.

My suffering didn’t last long. It had been six days after that tenth or eleventh argument when I realized that I had not seen the husband. I assumed they had separated. A couple of neighbors made a point of stopping by that house to tell the wife that her grass was getting an inch too high. Trying to be nice, I elected one afternoon to mow her lawn. She was out and I was glad it turned out that way. Didn’t want to risk upsetting her by doing something stupid as I was prone to do when in the presence of a beautiful woman.