The Penetrator – Vol. 3 [Mffff] [straight] [fiction]

The trip to the woods was simply an exercise to see how much he could cum in the space of one hour with the aid of a mixture he had taken that morning.

To his harem, it was a quick outdoor excursion to get them some fresh nature-filled air. The wood was approximately three miles out from the town. Clyde took them there in his blue Mazda Atenza, which the girls loved to ride in.

Sitting in front alongside him was Vicky, his first girl picked for 2020. In the back were Adalee, Yara, and Imogen, who had all come in at the same time to form his harem after he posted photos and a video of him fucking Vicky on Exciting Young Flowers, the online sex forum he had chosen to be his outlet for graphic content.

His life had truly gone into overdrive the moment he decided to get back into the teen sex scene. He had made a resolution to not engage in sex with girls in 2020, i.e. not resume his Penetrator identity, but that resolution had been broken the moment he set eyes on a photo of the pretty black girl named Vicky sent to him by her father. He had penetrated and plowed her relentlessly for days. It got a bit awkward so he asked if Vicky could take up residence with him as the first girl in his new harem. Vicky’s father Jeff was a fan of the Penetrator and couldn’t say yes fast enough.

The Penetrator – Vol. 2 [Mf] [interracial] [fiction]

Breaking his new year’s resolution had opened a floodgate for Clyde a.k.a. the Penetrator. He felt bad for so quickly giving in to his desires and not being true to what he had told himself he would do in 2020. December 22 of 2019 had seen the disbanding of a harem he had taken two years and eight months to build. He had started with one girl and it grew to eleven. The Penetrator had posted thousands of pics and hundreds of videos of his exploits on a sex forum. Now he had the desire to start up anew: an all-new harem and a new website to share his adventures.

Jeff was over the moon when Clyde called and asked if he would allow his daughter Vicky to be the first girl of his new harem.

“I knew you wouldn’t be able to stay out of the game for long. Welcome back,” Jeff said.

The Penetrator – Vol. 1 [Mf] [interracial] [fiction]

He was at a baseball game when he got a call from an associate of his.

“Happy New Year, Clyde,” said the voice on the other side.

“Hey, Jeff. You know January is almost over, right?”

“Well, we haven’t spoken since May last year so I thought the greeting would be appropriate.”

“Ha, thanks. What can I do for you?”

“What you’re really good at doing, Clyde. What you’ve always been good at doing.”

Clyde heard what the other man had said, but pretended as if he hadn’t.

“I’m sorry, come again? The other team just scored a home run. Couldn’t hear you over the cheering.”

“That’s okay, man. I need you to become the Penetrator again.”

A series of memories flashed through Clyde’s mind.

“You really should call the Doctor,” said Clyde, referring to a medical doctor who had a secret cult following due to his filmed adventures with pretty young females.

“I did, but he is very busy at the moment.”

“What about the Dungeon Keeper?”

“The Dungeon Keeper is fighting a lawsuit against him. He finally banged the wrong girl.”


Caterpillar in the Web – Vol. 2 [MMf] [straight] [fiction]

Caterpillar learned that the father’s name was Henry (47) and the son was Chad (21). After the initial fuck session with them in the back of the van, she joined them at the fireside. They asked her if she knew how to twerk.

She rolled her eyes and said,”Duh, every girl knows how to twerk these days.”

“Show us some twerking,” said an eager Chad.

“Need music for that,” Caterpillar replied.

Chad fiddled with his phone and soon Hip Hop music was playing from his speakers.

“How about that?” he asked.

Caterpillar was still naked from the waist down. She twerked her ass and pussy in front of the two men as the music played. They made sounds of appreciation and whooped when she removed her top. She danced and twerked fully nude around the camp fire. They were captivated by her young naked body. She sweated from exertion. Just watching her caused the men to sweat as well. They pulled out their cocks and beat their meats to her sexy dancing. She watched them both stroke and cum to her hot twerking.

Caterpillar in the Web – Vol. 1 [MMf] [straight] [fiction]

She awoke to darkness and the sound of crickets chirping. Caterpillar was her codename. She was a girl from the town of Noville, who had been picked up by a father and son, who were also from that town. However, the pick up had taken place at the parking lot of a grocery store in the city of Damworth, an hour’s drive away.

They had made their acquaintance online via a secret society that hooked up men with women in ways that were both legal and not so admissible in a court of law. Caterpillar was a poor girl with expensive tastes and this society, calling themselves the Web of Fortunes, was more than happy to cater to her needs after seeing the provocative poledancing videos she had posted on the Internet. They had reached out to her with an offer and she had snatched it up quickly because it was too good for her to pass up.

The day before, a box of stuff appeared on her doorstep. She had taken it up to her room and opened it to see many nice things for herself, an envelope for her mother and another one for her father and a letter that was for her because it had the sign of a web on the top and was addressed to “Caterpillar”, her codename.

A Flower for Your Kindness [Mf] [rough] [puke] [fiction]

Kade loved the benefits of being single again. Life got lonely every once in a while, but he chased away those moments with some new activity to occupy his thoughts and keep him operational.

Last week he went fly fishing with a friend of his. That was something he had never done before – fly fishing. He had caught two trout and his friend had caught three along with a salmon and a bass. It was the most fun he had had in a long while.

Kade had also been associating himself with a nudist community. They liked to travel places and had an online forum where they discussed ideas about nudism and where they should go next to be naked together. Kade was no nudist, but he ingratiated himself with this community by assisting them via funding and acquiring permission from officials of the various places they traveled to to allow the community to gather there fully naked. His efforts were not lost on the community.

One day he received a rather tall box on his front doorstep. He brought it inside his home and read the letter attached to it. It said,

*To Kade*

Soaped Up [FM] [fiction]

*Thanks to GarnetAndOpal for inspiring this story.*


The empty water bottle sailed through the air and landed in the recycle bin. Thirty nine year old Beatrix Rhodes had just jogged two miles on the treadmill in her home gym and was feeling as fit as ever. She was arguing with herself whether to do another round with the weights when she heard the doorbell ring.

Opening the door, she found a rather handsome young man in his early twenties standing in front of her with a box. He was just as sweaty as she was, but in a worse way because his uniform was drenched. Beatrix immediately recalled the company he worked with. It was a new one she had written an article about a few days ago. A small business that specialized in toiletries.

“Hello there.”

“Hi. Beatrix Rhodes?”

“That’s me.”

“I’m from HomeScent. You wrote an article about us and we would like to say thank you with this box of our top of the line handmade soaps.”

Turn of the Century [Fm] [MILF] [fiction]

Any mother would have reservations about her forty three year old friend dating her nineteen year old son, but the situation surrounding her best friend broke Nora Jones’s heart.

Joslyn Hall had been happily married until December 2, 1999. Her husband had admitted to having an extramarital affair and had filed for a divorce. In a little over a week, the split was legally done and her dreams about seeing the end of the 1900s and greeting the 2000s with her high school sweetheart and husband had been dashed and vaporized.

Her moods ranged from resentment to suicidal, but after much support from her friends and professional counseling, Joslyn was stablized and everything seemed on the up and up.

That is until the previous week when she had called Nora and asked if she could date her son Patrick. She explained that before she had met her husband in high school, there had been a boy she had been sweet with in middle school and this boy had looked a lot like Patrick looked now, only Patrick was almost into his twenties.

Winter Romp [mF] [MILF] [PAWG] [holidays] [fiction]

Jingle Bells played in the background as an epic snowball fight raged between Team Red and Team Blue on the northern end of the golf course on the outskirts of Bloomfield, Iowa. The fight wasn’t chaos, it had rules similar to dodge ball. One team on one side of the battlefield and the other team on the other side. The battle lines had been marked with flags. The scores were tied 9 to 9. This was the tenth and final round and neither team was giving the other an easy win.

Each team had eight players at full strength. Eight people were now in the Dead Zone, a place for those who had been killed in action by snowball to wait until the next fight to join their team. Three players currently remained on Team Red and five on Team Blue.

Nineteen-year-old Kyle hurled himself onto the snow-covered lawn and rolled away from a barrage of snowballs that landed and exploded in white mist where he had just been a second ago. He wore the red beanie of Team Red. His two surviving compatriots were ten and thirteen years of age respectively, brothers Scott and Marcus.

The Geisten Darrow Chronicles – Vol. 3 [Fm] [interracial] [paranormal] [fiction]

Geisten Darrow was furious that he had been put in detention on his final week of senior high school. His crime was looking at his phone when he got a text from his Latina girlfriend Raquel Torres. He wasn’t going to respond to a text in class. That was his own personal rule, and yet the teacher had spotted him with the phone in hand and notified him instantly of his detention.

If it had been any other teacher, Geisten was sure he would have been ignored or, at worst, merely received a verbal warning. He had a good record with the staff at his high school and they were more tolerant of well behaved students, especially senior students. But Mrs. Ocampo was different. She was a Filipina in her late thirties, married and had just recently moved from out of town to take up the teaching position she had here.

Geisten also considered her, as did the rest of the male students in school, a MILF. She was phat with a big round ass and a cute face. She was one of those females who sported a dyed lock of hair. She had a forelock dyed silver. It looked really sexy with her night black hair. However, her adjustment to a new school leaved a lot to be desired as Geisten was experiencing right now with the detention.