A school trip

College is one of the best stages of life, since you are old enough to enjoy the pleasures of life, but not so old as to have responsibilities, I remember that on one occasion we had a trip to another state to a factory beer by the school, there was a boy from a grade below that I loved, he was thin but quite attractive, with deep eyes, one of those boys that makes you shudder just by looking at you, I knew he would go for the ride so I left one of the sexiest dressed up, with a pink miniskirt that revealed my shapely legs and a low-cut white blouse so that she could see my attributes and what I could offer her. I looked for a way to sit next to him during the first leg, but unfortunately the teachers assigned each of us places, that was disappointing.

Along the way I tried to make myself noticed, I constantly turned to be seen, I felt the look of others, I could feel how my other companions wanted me, I felt their looks. But what’s going on – I thought – why he doesn’t see me, maybe I’m not good enough for him – I thought -, it was desperate to feel his indifference. But I was not going to give up.

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