Made to succumb [M/F]

My eyes ease open to find a familiar ceiling above, once normally called my own. Yet something is off. Whereas normally sunlight would stream in through my windows on this Saturday morning, today shutters have blocked their rays from entrance. Whereas normally I would normally feel her warmth as she laid next to me, today that side of my bed is cold. Only when I try and roll over do I notice another curiosity–both hands has been bound to the other and together tied to the bedpost.

*What the?* I questioned, *Who–*

“Sleep well?”

Her voice leads me beyond the bed to where she stands, dressed in pajamas and a mischievous smile topped with black lipstick. Her dyed black hair, pulled back into a ponytail, hints to my awakening mind what is about to happen.

“Babe?” I asked, “Did you…”

She runs her tongue along her sin-black lips. “I wanted to try something new this morning and because you were being such a cutie last night I couldn’t resist.”

With two hands she yanked the covers off the bed to reveal my nakedness beneath.

“Don’t you think it’s a little early for this?” I asked.

Categorized as Erotica