My new secret life

All that I tell you is true I’m 24 year old woman you could say I’m a feminist but not aggressively. I have a professional career which limits what I can do on social media and it also means I must remain professional in my private life. My career is my life and I love what I do but I have needs like any woman I don’t have the time or patience for a boyfriend but I miss sex. So I’ve come to a decision I’m going to start a secret life as a slut. I wish I could be open about it but that’s not the society we live in so for now it’s just between us.
I wanted to keep this blog as a record of all the things I do and something I can look back on to see how far I have come.
I’m sure any man here reading will want to know what I look like but the closest your going to get is a brief description, so here it goes. I’m 5″5 size 12 with nice curves and ample breasts, I’m a true redhead and I like to think I’m pretty but that’s subjective.

Categorized as Erotica