Matt’s miserable month

Started writing some soft stuff in my spare time, website in bio if you like this kind of short stories. I’d love to see people’s opinions, good or bad.

Matt got into his morning routine at 8am as per usual. He wasn’t enthusiastic about starting the day though. He’d recently broken up with his partner of 5 years. They had strong feelings for one another but she’d moved to Australia and the distance tore them apart.

It wasn’t all doom and gloom for Matt however, he was doing well in his job in London. He’d joined HSBC 4 years ago and was climbing up the ladder at a healthy pace. He has managed to move into a comfortable living situation, renting an apartment in one of London’s safest neighbourhoods. He felt it was pointless living in a nice apartment by himself though. 

Since it’s a Saturday, he had the day off and lied on his couch right after his shower. He flicked through channels, not finding interest in anything. He felt horrific. He eventually settled on a random comedy tv show, hoping it’d lift his spirits. Hours passed by, he’d managed to make himself a simple cheese and tomato sandwich in between his TV binging. 

Categorized as Erotica

Calvins horrific Monday

Started writing some relatively soft short stories, posting here for people’s opinions, good or bad.

Calvin walked to work with a sense of optimism. It was a cold morning in Leicester, the bus he just got off was packed but nevertheless, Calvin was feeling good. He was thinking about his partner, Kylie. He met her through a mutual friend’s birthday party a month prior. They’ve gradually built a relationship to the point they meet nearly everyday.

Like anyone else, Calvin isn’t particularly excited for his job but he’s got something to look forward to in life. He was miserable before he met her. Kylie came to study in Leicester all the way from America, she always wanted to experience living outside of her country of birth. She was your classic blonde American girl, and they were a perfect match when it comes to the bedroom.
Calvin loved restraint, while Kylie loved dominating him. Handcuffs and other forms of restraint are regular choices of weapons in their nights together.