Published writer who has dabbled in erotica in past years…here’s something I’m working on.

After just having landed at the Nashville airport, the road is busy exiting the airport and heading into the downtown area.

My friend and co-worker, Kelly, sits beside me and is scrolling through social media on her phone while we share a Lyft into town.

We’re both excited about the trip. At home we’re pharmaceutical representatives and we’ve just flown into town for a sales and marketing conference our company is sponsoring. Last year Kelly wasn’t part of the team and I traveled to a similar conference in Chicago with a much older, and much more boring, travel mate. That trip had been cold, rainy, and wrought with travel delays. I was looking forward to a much more exciting week this year.

Truth be told, I have alternative ambitions. Kelly and I have been friends for roughly a year; very good friends. She’s fun, she’s energetic, she’s always willing to try new things, and she does it with an optimistic flare that I’d admire. But more than that, she’s extremely sexy.

Categorized as Erotica