Just Say the Words [F4A]

Entry 1: “Just Say the Words” [Sfw-ish][Dark][Ownership][WithConsent][Introductions][Rambly][Manipulation?][Gender neutral]

Today is the start of something new. Something… different. Something… dark… and beautiful. Don’t be shy. Come forward. Let’s take the first few steps together, shall we?

If you choose to walk this path with me, know this. It will not be easy. Every day, I will challenge you. I will test your mind, your resolve, your willingness to serve me, and of course, I’ll be pushing that beautiful body of yours to its absolute limits. However I cannot do so unless you allow it. I dare not act until you speak the magic words. Do you know what they are?…

I’ll give you some time to think about it. While you ponder, I’ll continue. If you accept this, if you accept me- you should also know that you will be loved. Dearly. I will protect you, fight for you, and cherish everything about you. Do you want to know why? Because you’d be mine. And I take excellent care of what belongs to me. Again- none of this is set in stone, unless you can show me that you truly want it.

Categorized as Erotica