My Armless Mom [M/S]

A couple of weeks ago my mom got into a car wreck and lost her arms. She had to have both of them amputated right at the shoulder. My father has been out of my life since I can remember, and it’s just me and my mom living together. The doctors offered her prosthetics, but she refused saying that she had “soft agile feet” and that she “wanted to put them to work”. So over the past couple of weeks she’s been in therapy learning how to use her feet like a second pair of hands.

The other day we were sitting at the table eating dinner together when she reached across the table and lightly grabbed my hand with her toes. She started stroking it very lightly and then said “thank you for everything you do for me. I love you my sweet boy!” And then she and I laughed a bit. We then sat on the couch together and watched TV when I felt a slight nudge at my hand. She started holding my hand with her foot. She then proceeded to rest her head filled with lush beautiful blonde hair on my shoulder. As I tried to hide my big erection, she gave me a soft but sweet kiss on the cheek. “I love you” she calmly wisipered in my ear.