[NSFW] looking for constructive feedback for my first draft of my first ever short story

Story 1

I was coming out of my office as she rushed past me in the hall. I could smell the flowery scent coming off of her and inhaled deeply. Her scent was a mixture of her body lotion and shampoo that conjured the feeling of laying in the soft grass of a meadow enjoying the warmth of the sun. She was already in the doorway to the library by the time my senses returned to reality and I faced her. She was barefoot, her flats in her hand, wearing a smart semi-transparent faint peach blouse, and a well fitting grey sweater. Her cuffs were rolled to her elbows, which were angled up in an attempt to hold onto the several shopping bags, purse and shoulder-bag she was clumsily trying to set down without falling over in her own adorable way. Her long honey blond hair hung straight down her upper back, bushed away from her face and tucked behind her left ear. Only a few loose strands danced in front of her face in her breath. She was looking back at me over her left shoulder with a smile in her eyes but half a pout on her lips. Her left leg was bent and up on her toes, with the other flat. This cocked her hips out to the side and accentuated her slimming waist and growing ass. She was late, she needed help, and she knew just how to get it from me. She gently bit her lip and fluttered her long lashes before she asked;