She stirred in her bed from a strange dream. It was a very hot night and she only slept in a long t-shirt that she had stolen from one of her ex’s. She moved in her bed uncomfortably as her shirt was sticking to her from her sweat. She moved over to her right side and opened her eyes checking the time. It was only 2AM. She sat up and stood out of bed feeling the need to pee, her shirt clung to her from getting damp by her sweat and she decided just to take it off. She threw the shirt onto the floor and headed to her bathroom. She flipped the lightswitch on only to be reminded of the power outage. She felt around the darkness of her windowless bathroom as to not bump into anything and found the toilet and sat to relieve herself. She headed back to her bed and laid down. She looked at the window in her bedroom wall. Thin white curtains draped over the entrance and did not move on this breezeless night. The weather man had called for this hot night and it would be her luck that they would lose power because of it. She sighed again trying to get comfortable. It was impossible in this heat and she sat up in her bed putting her bare back onto the headboard hoping to feel the coolness of the wood. She looked at the still curtains wishing even a small breeze would pass through, when she saw a shadow go past the curtains.