Brief Encounter: The Woman in Aisle Six [MF] [Public Play] [Breast Play]

He had just finished a late shift, swinging by the only grocery store open twenty-four hours to pick up some things so he could fully relax with his only day off tomorrow. Six days a week lately, his hands always coarse with the evidence of hard work.

He pushed his cart down the boxed meals aisle, the only thing he had time for anymore. A woman walked from the other end with a hand basket hanging from one arm. Curls of fire danced around her face, and his eyes immediately shifted down to where her baggy sweatpants met her hips. As loose as they were, they couldn’t hide her curves. Then his eyes moved upward, her hard nipples peeking through her skin tight camisole. Her tits looked *so damn soft*. They just looked like they were aching to be mushed between his fingers, and he thought briefly of the way the flesh might look dimpling beneath the pressure of his fingertips.

Categorized as Erotica

The Pregnant Gypsy

He didn’t know how he found her. He just looked up, and there she was.

It was one of those days where nothing seemed to go right. Work was a drag. Friends didn’t take up on the offer to let off some steam at the bar. Life was colorless, lacking all magic. And so he took to the woods, as he often did when the world was against him. He saw himself as a simple man. As long as he was able to lose himself in the trees every now and then, he could reset himself just enough to endure the rat race once again.

He knew this area of the woods like the back of his hands, or so he thought. He realized he kept running into the same mossy tree, or was it a different one? The stress of the day was so heavy on his mind he wasn’t paying attention, and after the third, or was it the fourth time, of seeing that same tree, he inhaled sharply to clear his head, gave it some thought, and said, “Right. I go right and head straight to the creek.”

Can you put it in me while it’s soft? [MF] [Sensual] [Encouragement]

I know sometimes after a hard day, you want nothing more than release, but the stress of the day gets to you and you question if you can perform.
And I’ve been wanting to ask you, if you would still want to feel my wet pussy around you on those days when everything seems to go wrong?
You might not think it’s worth the effort, but I’ve always wanted to feel you in every way I can have you. I love it when you’ve finished, and your dick lightly sits against my lips. I always hope you’ll push into me like that, after I’m soaked with the mixture of our cum.
Don’t you want to know how much of yourself you can put inside me, all the ways you can fit? Don’t you want to fill me completely?

I want to sit with our legs wrapped around each other and let your soft dick rest up against every fold of my lips, run my fingers through your hair as I kiss your neck, your clavicle, your shoulders. Would you want to push our hips into each other like that, allowing the most sensitive parts of ourselves get to know each other in a different way?
Like sitting around a hearth after a trek through a snowstorm, my lips could cover you, keep you warm. I could wrap you in creamy silk and marshy velvet, a place your dick can make a home of no matter what shape he’s in.

Categorized as Erotica