a great neighbor

Life can get boring. Some days it just feels like the same old same old, I go to work come home sleep and repeat. Maybe this is what they call a rut, but this is supposed to be my prime time. Here I am a college grad working a dead-end job because I chose an Arts Degree and no one is hiring a history major. My apartment is ok I guess certainly better than the dorms I am still paying off. I suppose life isn’t all that bad I do have a great neighbor. She is a single mother who is still really attractive even if she is a bit older than me, and she sometimes brings me left over which is just great. Life was just that kind of monotony, until yesterday. 

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The Summer Job

God the sun is hot, but damn do I love my job. Perfect for this college student, not that cleaning pools it the end goal here but there are some perks along the way. The lady next to this house that I am working on is kinda a milf like total mom bod but fuck I would rail her in a heartbeat. She sometimes watches me from her window. last week when I was here, I saw her standing in the window watching me and her hands were rubbing all over herself as I cleaned the pool. I don’t think she knew I was watching her because I had my sunglasses on and kept working. This week I had a plan, I was going to give her the show of a lifetime. 

Categorized as Erotica

Her Perspective

it was a quiet morning, I was working my part time job at “Penny’s Pleasure Palace” dumb name for a store if you ask me but we had a special room in the back that was for the more…. adult oriented shall we say. I had worked here for a few years as I went through collage and now part time while I try and make a go in the real world. The managers liked me and trusted me which was a huge boost for my confidence as I had always considered my self a shy girl. When I first started working here I could hardly cash out any of the toys never mind go back there and help anyone, oh how I have changed. 

New Car Story

Talk about the worst day ever. I am driving along and then what felt like out of nowhere my car starts to sputter, shake, shudder…. BANG… Smoke begins to billow out from under the hood. The car screech’s and I wrestle it to the side of the road. Black smoke begins to engulf the car and I grab my things and get out as fast as I can. I did not need this today.  I had just dropped my last load of boxes into the moving truck and was heading home to begin my journey in a new city, my new life and I was supposed to drive there. I suppose that I should be thankful that the emergency crew showed up so fast and that the tow truck driver even offered to drop me off at a local dealership. Now here I am standing outside this massive building not looking forward to some middle-aged greasy man try and swindle me into a junker. This is not a great day. 

Categorized as Erotica