Big Brother Love Part 1

Welcome to part one. I will be posting reguarly to advertise myself. I am available for commisions, I dont ask questions, I will write any scenario your sick little mind desires all for a negotiable amount of money. I look forward to hearing from you! Im also willing to roleplay it. Otherwise when it comes to the stories I post I am always open to suggestions. Enjoy!

Joshua closed the door behind his parents. It would be just him and his little sister for the next 3 weeks. All alone in the seering heat and loneliness of the summer. She was okay company, but he’d much rather have his ex girlfriend there with him, whom he recently broke up with, and is still obsessed over. No car so he couldn’t really leave the house. It’s too far a walk, especially in this heat to go anywhere. As he watched his parents car leave the driveway he sighed and sat on the couch.

-5 days in-

The kingdom of Kanafall

Welcome to part one of *The kingdom if Kanafall.* I am MysteriousErotica, I’ve been writing erotica and roleplaying for years and i think its time I try my hand at doing it for money. Message me for my prices and such. Enjoy!

Elves are such interesting creatures. Mostly human mentally, with a vastly different but similar looking physiology. The average height for an elf is about 4’5 (1.5m), making them significantly smaller than the average human. An elf’s body matures for the first 18 years of their life, then remains identical for their 500 year life span. A female elf’s vagina is far deeper than a humans, going all the way up into her chest, also possessing three g spots and varying depths, the deeper being more pleasurable, but an elf could never reach this depth, let alone most humans. Perhaps the elves greatest advantage is their perfect healing factor, elves are able to heal any wound without ever scarring and they cannot get infected with disease. This healing factor has an unwanted side effect of limiting muscle growth, and skin maturation, making them often mistaken as younger than they are. But today that is what will save Inra.

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