Hi! I’m not sure if this is allowed here but can someone tell me their thoughts on the start of my first story, “Alleyway”

I’m 18M and massively a virgin and have never tried to write anything before, so any help is much appreciated! (The title is Very WIP)

As Chloe dared take a short cut down a dark alleyway she suddenly heard a barrage of footsteps, a firm grip latched onto her shoulders, silencing her screams with a noxious rag. The figure lurched over her blocking her already fading vision as she collapsed, falling through the deep chasm that had become of the floor.

Chloe awoke in a dark, damp room with no lights, just a chair and
severe fittings on the wall when a pair of hands suddenly enveloped her, dragged her supple frame to her feet, brought a pair of rough lips to her innocent ears and whispered “you disgusting little slut, you’re going to get exactly what you deserve” as a blade , which glimmered in the harsh light spewing in through the ajar door, danced across her soft skin, teasing her with a thin, sultry rivulet trickle of blood which ran down the small of her neck.

The harsh sound of her captors footsteps echoed in Chloe’s ears as she crashed down to the cold, callous concrete.

Categorized as Erotica