One Year Contract Day 1

I smiled as I led her into the house, gesturing for her to make her way to the kitchen.

“I wasn’t starting to think you wouldn’t show,” I said.

“I wasn’t sure I would either,” she answered.

We stepped into the kitchen and I featured for her to take a sit at the table. “I understand,” I said. “It’s a big decision. I’m really glad you’re hear though.”

She smiled softly.

“Would you like something to drink?” I asked. She nodded. I poured her a glass of water and set in on the table in front of her. “How are you feeling?”

“Nervous. A little excited, but mostly nervous,” she answered.

“That’s understandable. You’ve read the contract?” She nodded. “Do you have any questions?” She shook her head almost imperceptibly. It was easy to see just how nervous she really was and I tried to give her a reassuring smile as I continued.

“Ok, that’s fine. I’m just going to go over a few points just to make sure there are no surprises, ok?”

“Ok,” she said meekly.

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I am helpless. Utterly and completely without power or control. I am at her mercy, a feather in the air to be directed by the gusts of her desires.

I do not have the tools that she has. I don’t have her brains, her cunning, her cruel manipulations. She is crafty. She is seductive, and graceful, beautiful. She is clever and purposeful. She can identify what she wants and construct a strategy to accomplish her goals.

All I have is my strength.

I am a mindless beast, a reactionary creature driven by millions of years of evolutionary instinct. I am a tiger in a cage. She pokes and prods until she gets what she wants, until I snap.

Because when I snap she is helpless too.

When I break she is at the mercy of my needs, my desires. My desire to have her overwhelms us both. I need to own her, to control her, to dominate her. I need to mark her, claim her so that all that world recognizes that she is mine and mine alone.

Categorized as Erotica

Awakening part 3

I tossed her on the bed, careful not to drop her with too much weight on her arms bound behind her back – a dislocated shoulder or broken wrist would put an unfortunate halt to my plans for the evening.

I took a minute to let my eyes roll over her body again. Her hair was still wet from the shower and strands clung to her face. The sheer fabric of the black bra I’d bought her shoes just a hint of her nipples. The fishnet stockings were tight, half way up her thighs. And the panties were pushed partway off her hips from being dropped on the bed.

“Mmm. Perfect,” I mumbled.

She refused to look at me as she laid there, lost in a world of insecurity. I keyed in on it. I stood perfectly still until she finally glanced at me. I waited, however impatient, for her to choose to make a move beyond those insecurities. I waited for her to BE in that moment with me.

Categorized as Erotica

Awakening part 2

“Hey babe,” she answered the phone in a whisper, “I’ve got to be quick this asshole has been laying on the call button all day.”

“What time do you get off,” I asked.

“In a couple more hours.”

“Come straight over when you do. I want to see you.”

I could hear the smile in her voice when she said, “Yeah, ok. I will.”

“Good. See you soon.”

She whispered “goodbye” and clicked off the phone.

It had been a couple weeks since our heart to heart conversation. Since then I’d been slowly chipping away at the walls she’d carefully constructed to shield her true self from the world. I won’t say it wasn’t frustrating at times. I found myself spending an inappropriate amount of time imagining what it would be like to finally have all of her.

But I’d steeled myself to deliberate patience. Each layer that crumbled between us was like an exquisite reward for my dedication and every glimpse of who she truly wanted to be left my physically aching for more.

Awakening [BDSM]

We’d been kind of seeing each other for a few weeks. It started pretty normal. We work at the same hospital: she’s a nurse and I work in administration.

I noticed her the first time she came into my office area, I mean how could I not. She’s beautiful. Not like that Instagram model with the heavy filters and perfectly enhanced hourglass figure, but a natural femininity with a gorgeous smile and striking eyes. Even her scrubs hinted at curves worth inspecting more closely – just enough to hold onto, you know?

We made small talk in the hallways a few times before I made up a pretense to get her number. We didn’t see each other very often at work, but we started texting each other pretty regularly. Before long we were flirting through text which quickly grew heavier and more intimate.

We’d send each other dirty jokes and ask each other personal questions. We talked about normal stuff too: career goals, pet peeves, childhood memories, etc., but the sexual tension was high.

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