From a plane to the moon. PT.1: Becca arrives at the airport.

“Dear passengers, we inform you that the plane will arrive to destination in one hour” Said the commander of the plane through some cheap blown out speakers.Becca was only half asleep, but the loud news woke her up. Suddenly she is filled with joy, excitement. Her heart is beating fast. “O*h my God, Yes! I can’t wait to… hug him!*”She was high, and quite literally too.

Becca and Victor started talking in an online forum about Alternative Rock. They had all the same tastes in music. She really couldn’t find anyone who loved “Adore” by Smashing Pumpkins as much as she did. Victor was the only one in the forum who defended that pearl from the 2nd mid of the 90s in that post from 4 months and an half before. They started sending PMs to each other. Then they shared their emails… well, it didn’t take too long before they started having video-calls. Talking to him was just the easiest thing in the world. Every sentence flowed naturally, every word understood, and it was mutual. He seemed to be sensitive and introverted, but there was something wild about him as well. She developed a big crush on him, and he was quite attractive too. She wanted to see him, and discovered that he was yearning the same. He offered her a plane ticket.