Rubymoon Private Asylum (Part 1) [BDSM, MFT, SM, NC, Bondage, Bizarre]

“To put things simply, Dr. Smith, Rubymoon is a private asylum. From time to time wealthy patrons find it necessary to have one or more persons committed in a strict inpatient environment without the need to unnecessarily involve or burden either the legal or medical system. This is where we come in. For a fee that reflects both our discretion and the rarity of the services we offer we house these private mental patients and perform whatever therapeutic measures their patrons believes are most conductive to their mental health.”

“A private asylum?”

“Naturally we compensate all of our employees at a level commensurate to both the value of their skillset and the discretion we ask of them. If this is a non-starter for you we can end the tour right here.”

“No, no,” said Dr. Smith. “Now you very much have my curiosity. I’m quite anxious to see what you actually have here.”

“I’m so pleased to hear that the personality profile we ran on you was accurate,” said Dr. Desdemona. “I think you’ll be an excellent fit here.”