The anticipation is killing me

[Part one](

You left me tied up and on your bed. I’m not sure how long you were away… 5-10 minutes? Long enough that I realized you were fucking with me. I loved it.

Finally you come back to the bedroom, “oh, did I forget about you?” You say in a playful voice and give me a devilish grin.

From a drawer, you withdraw a black silken blindfold. You hold it up teasingly, “are you ready?”

I can’t help but let a moan slip and nod, “yes, please.”

You kneel on the bed next to me and slip the blindfold over my eyes. I feel your weight shift as you lean down to kiss me. There is a difference from before… Before it was exploratory, perhaps you were already testing me. This time, there is a hunger and dominance to it. You’re taking my mouth as if to say “you’re mine now.” I spin on a tide of intensity and pleasure.

The anticipation is killing me

We matched on Tinder a few weeks ago. At first, our conversation was innocent enough. Slowly getting to know one another, as best as one can via text. Your personality shone through – funny and irreverent, two of my favorite characteristics. Before we ever talked about meeting up, I knew I wanted to meet you and see if this texting chemistry would translate into IRL chemistry…

And then, somehow, our conversation turned flirty… And then it turned kinky… We started discussing all the sexual things we’re into and discovered that a Venn diagram of our interests almost fully overlaps. That just added to my excitement to meet you.

We would have already met, but you caught the ‘Rona and we had to postpone our first date. And now the anticipation is killing me. We’re going to meet on Friday but ever since we discussed our kinks, my sex drive has been almost unbearable.

I have made some plans… I know which dress I’ll wear – a form-hugging one made of a silky fabric that just begs to be touched. I know which bra and panties I’ll wear – a matching set of lacy, delicate things, Like I’m a present for you to unwrap. I’ll shave every bit of skin, as much for your benefit as mine – I want to feel as much skin contact as possible.

Categorized as Erotica