Fresh out of prison (20F& 22M)

Me Jessica (20F) Thinking about my friend Jay (22M)Who I’m secretly in love with . He went to prison 2 years ago & I’ve not had contact with him since . how could he do this to me ? I look down at my phone someone new followed me on Instagram .
It’s jay Omg
“Call me “ he messaged me for my number.

*Phone call

“wassup ?”

“Who are you again ? Must be a stranger “

“Yeah a lot going on , what have you been up to ?”
“Nothing much , still in college I finally moved out and got me an apartment just trynna get through life wby are you okay “

“That’s great Jess I’m so proud of you and yea I’m okay haha trying to get myself completely together .“

“Thanks jay and you’ll get there trust me I’m always here to support you love ”

“Can I Come see you I missed you “

“Mhm and this is the first time I hear from you since you were arrested . Hurry up

Categorized as Erotica