Repayment For Your Services (F/M ranger & warrior, commission for a friend)

Reiner took the mug with a word of thanks from the barkeep.
“Is it that obvious I needed this?” He asked, before taking a sip of ale.
“Actually, this one’s been paid for already,” said the barkeep, with a nod to the corner of the room. “Compliments of Lady Vinna.”
Reiner felt his heart skip a beat, but kept his expression neutral as the barkeep walked away. Looking over the top of his mug, he scanned the tavern for the ranger.
He spotted her, sitting in a large armchair by the fire in the corner of the tavern. Their eyes met, and she gave him a small smirk before coyly looking back at the fire.

Sly Fox, he thought, licking his lips as he stood up. He tried to keep his face even, though his heart was beating slightly faster than normal as he walked over to her. She did not look at him, though he knew she sensed him approaching.

“Thanks for earlier, I take it?” Reiner asked. She looked up at him with a smile, her long hair carelessly flowing over her shoulder.

“A small token of my appreciation, yes,” she said. “Though it seems… insufficient.”

Categorized as Erotica