We are to self isolate…We are to practice social distancing..
What about those that are completely, alone?
I find myself excited at the thought of going grocery shopping. I need to eat; this justifies me going out during this horrific time. The longing of being in public… I got dressed up. Hair washed and styled. Perfume on with just the right notes for the passer by to notice me.
I noticed some tiresome glance from ladies that are probably tired from child care at home along with work. I noticed some seniors that quicken their steps and hurry on by… Then there are men like YOU…
MEN that are home alone. MEN that have not gone out. MEN that lacks visual stimulation. HORNY, HUNGRY MEN like you.
YOU noticed:
The filling in my jeans screams juicy tender loving. The budding round bosoms shouts for an audience with the push up bra that normally is reserved for a naughty night out in a low V-neck T-shirt. My self inviting suede beige booties that announces my arrival with every step I take. The warm smiling lips that are just so inviting with its glossy natural shinny gloss.