First attempt. Kind of rough. Thoughts?

When I took my first steps out of the airport I barely noticed the heat. My eyes, even adjusting to the sun, landed on you right away. Leaned up against the truck watching the door with barely concealed excitement. You smiled and pushed up off the pickup as I ran into your arms. I planted one on you thinking I can handle just one for the moment, but quickly forgot we were in public and bit your bottom lip, slipping my tongue into your mouth. Your hand slid down my hip… An announcement over the intercom jerked us back into reality, Not usually one for PDA I blushed and squeezed your hand.
The ride to the motel seemed to take forever. We talked about anything and everything. While we shared a joinr you filled me in on what to expect at the farm, my mind started to wander. Suddenly I couldn't wait anymore. I rubbed your thigh and gave you my sweetest smile. The look in your eyes said you knew, even before my fingers delicately unzipped your shorts. I pulled you out , half hard already, and gave the tip a little kiss. You twitched. Perfect, all I wanted in the whole world was to slide my lips over you slowly, feel you get harder in my mouth. And I did. My tongue traced lines up your cock while my hand rubbed the base in perfect time. It had been so that long we'd only driven 10 miles before I was swallowing every last drop of your delicious cum. It was perfect timing. As I grinned and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand we pulled into the motel parking lot.
You grabbed my bag, and another, off the seat and handed me a room key. Checked in already. One of the many reasons I love you. You waste no time. When we entered the room you immediately got into your goody bag, laying everything on the desk. A bottle of wine, several blunts, candles and a corkscrew. You poured me a glass of wine. I sipped it slowly and slipped out of my sundress.
"Shower, baby?" I asked you. "I have been travelling all day." You nodded, but didn't follow right away.
By the time I'd found the perfect water temp you had joined me. Giving my ass a little smack as I stepped into the tub. I soaped up my body and stood enjoying the cool water on my face. Climbing in behind me you grabbed my hips and pulled my ass against you, kissing my neck. I let out a moan. You pressed me up against the wall, keeping one hand on my hip while the other caressed my ass. "Now baby," I whispered. "Take me now." "You know better, little slut. Who makes the rules here?" I remained silent. "Well?" "The pussy makes the rules?" Immediately worried my joke will earn me torture I looked back at you with my begging eyes. You slapped my face and asked again. "Who makes the rules here, slut?" "You do, baby." I could barely squeak out the answer. Even in the shower I could feel my excitement dripping down my thigh. "Mmm that's right, pretty girl. And why do you do as I say?" As you spoke your fingers found my clit giving it a little pinch. I gasped near your ear, felt your grip tighten on my hip and your dick twitch against my ass. "It pleases me to make you cum, baby." The next sensation was one of the most powerful I've ever felt. Your left hand pulled my hip back toward you, arching my back while your right hand spread my lips apart. "Good answer, pet," you growled into my hair as you shoved every inch inside me. It wasn't slow, but the pain was brief, and lead me into an instant orgasm. Each thrust prolonged the ecstacy, but before I was completely finished you pulled out. Slapping my ass with great force. You grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the shower and wrapped me in a towel.
"Wait here," you commanded, tying a blindfold over my eyes. Then turning and leaving me alone in the bathroom. I thought of the water dripping down your tan back. I was confused, but I waited as told. A few short minutes passed and you called me out. Even with the blindfold on it seemed dark. I slowly shuffled in the direction of the bed. Finding the end, I dropped my towel. I slowly crawled and felt around. You were sitting up in bed, naked under the sheet from what I could tell and I could smell the first blunt. I didn't wait for further instrcuction. I felt around for the top of the sheet, uncovering you down to your knees. You watched and toked while I sucked your cock, staring up at you behind the blindfold. After only a few moments you pull it out and grab my chin, lifting my head. "Baby, how badly do you want me in your pussy?" I didn't answer quickly enough. Of course, you took that to mean I could wait. Instructing me to lie on my back you walked to the end of the bed and retrieved my towel and placed it under me.
"I was going to make this quick, you know. But, since we've both cum already. It may be time to slow things down." You laughed at the look of panic mixed with pleasure on my face. I forced myself to form the words, "Whatever you wish most, my love." It was barely audible, but I could feel your smile in my personal darkness. "Good girl." Suddenly your voice was at my feet. I felt the soft velvet as you wrapped the first cuff around my right ankle. The sound of the velcro was loud and made my muscles twitch. You pushed my legs apart at the knees. I felt a twinge between my legs and tried to close them to relieve some of the pressure, but you caught my left foot and quickly strapped the other cuff on my ankle. "Can't have you trying to move like that, little slut. You couldn't hold still and now we need more restraints. Roll over." I sensed it was not the time to talk back. I needed to be on my best behavior so you would reward me with your cock. I obeyed and you collected things from the room and returned. "Put your arms straight out.. Good. Push that ass up, whore." More velvet and velcro, this time on my wrists. "I forgot how well you listen, little slut. Do you think you deserve a reward?" Before I could answer you placed a gag in my mouth. But it wasn't my old one. This one had holes. I moaned and the sounds were clear. So wet. You gave my hair a good tug and walked behind me, kneeled between my legs. I felt you breathing on my pussy and I was dripping at this point. You licked and bit your way up my thigh. Something in the air changed and suddenly you couldn't tease any longer. You had to have all of me. Your tongue found my clit in seconds and traced up to circle my ass. Repeating with a greater intensity each time. Just as I was about to cum again you pulled away, put both hands on my hips, hiked my ass up and teased my pussy with the tip. Sliding in just a little and taking it away. You pushed into me as deep as you could just twice and I came harder than I ever have. Your dick was wet enough for your new plan.. Taking my perfect ass. We fucked until neither one of us could stand it any longer and you came on my back. Satisfied in every sense of the word, you released me from my restraints and removed my blindfold. I rolled over on the towel and opened my arms. We cuddled like that for nearly an hour until I gave you a wicked grin. "I need to get cleaned up. Come wash me?" I felt your eyes on my cum covered backside as I giggled my way to the bathroom…