I made my senior eat my pussy for a job

Hi, way back in 2012, I was during articleship at an audit firm and I had this senior. Let’s call her ‘bitch’ She was 2 years older than me and was a complete asshole to me. She would pass comments at my modest clothes. She would scold me for not knowing everything and put me down in front of everyone (I was just 19)

Anyway, I quit the course midway finished my degree and took up masters. I started my career at a start up company but now I’m working as a manager at a very well known MNC.

We were hiring for a new role recently and I get this bitch’s resume. I immediately knew it was her.

After all these years, she reaches me out on what’s app and tells me that it’s been a long time and if I wanna meet her. I agreed knowing what she was trying.

We met at this pub near my place and she was talking all too sweet like we were best friends. After some time she finally came to the main topic. She told me that she was super interested for the job and to “work with me”.