A rat story. (Unfinished)

It was a breezy night in early may, a few days before I turned 22. I’d always been used to sleep in the nude, which always seemed more comfortable to me. I had been asleep for a few hours when I was awoken by a somewhat familiar pleasurable feeling in the lower side of my body but was confused as to what caused it since there hadn’t been a man in my bed for a very, very long time. As I started thinking maybe I was dreaming, I slowly lifted up my blankets to find a rat licking away at my clitoris. It took a few seconds for it to realize I had seen it, as the pleasurable feeling did not warrant my stopping it. But the creature did, in the end, see my eyes fixed on it and got scared. What happened next may horrify you as it did me in the moment, but my horror quickly melted away into pleasure as the animal entered my crotch to find refuge from my stare.

Categorized as Erotica