She’s a good girl Pt 1

It starts as it usually does

When he arrived at the restaurant, Melissa was already seated. She was early, only by a few minutes, but it was a nice surprise.

As he was being walked to their table she looked up from her menu and beamed at him across the dining room. Dinner was always an occasion for both. They both dressed up, they always tried to pick somewhere they hadn’t been before and they always made an occasion of it. Tonight was no different. So when he saw Melissa smile across the room, the tone was set for the evening.

Tonight it was a Chinese restaurant they’d never been to before, but the talk was their dumplings were sensational! And so it turned out. They talked and ate. And flirted. The tension ratcheting up slowly with things left unsaid and other things a little more overt.

And when the moment felt right, which happened to be over green tea, he posed his first direct question of the night.

“Are you wearing the plug I left on the nightstand, slut?”

He hit the tone just right, and chose his moment precisely.