[Fantasy][M][f]Hypnotized her p1

It was a usual Saturday afternoon I happened to be alone at home, my parents having gone out for the evening and my older sisters away on dates. I decided to take a walk around the complex where I live to get some fresh air before I got going on some programming project. On the walk I saw Christine walking the opposite way and joined up with her. I had a massive crush on Christine, but I didn't think she really liked me. We chatted about the weather and the day and how our holidays had been going, and the terrible fact we had to go back to school in 3 days time. While we were talking hypnosis came up and she offhandedly disregarded it as hocus-pocus magic tricks. So I dove right in. "Do you want me to try it on you?" I said "It doesn't work." "Well then there's no harm done if you try." "Ok fine lets go." "My house is empty except for amy who is sleeping upstairs I think. Let's go." "Sure." We walked back to my house and I got her to lay back on the L shaped black faux-leather couch while I ran upstairs to get a pendant to swing. When I came back down stairs she was seated comfortably on the couch ready for induction. "Ok, so I'm going to swing this pendant and you must just try to relax and follow what I say. You must follow the end of the pendant with your eyes." I said "Ok sure." She said as she started to follow the pendant with her eyes." "You are feeling very relaxed, and sleepy. You enjoy watching the pendant as it goes back and forth, back and forth." I said in a slow monotone. "Breath in slowly and breath out. I continued with the induction until she was breathing heavily and almost fully in a trance. "Now, when I snap my fingers and say sleep, you will fall into a deep trance. Sleep." I said as I snapped my fingers. Her eyes snapped shut and she fell deeply asleep. "Now whenever I say green pineapples, you will come straight back to this amazing place where you feel so great. Soon I will count up from 3 to 1 and you will then wake up from this place and think nothing has happened. 3-2-1 wake up wide awake." "I told you it wouldn't work." Christine said. "Ah, well maybe not." I said. "Ok well anyway let's carry on with the walk." She began to stand up. "Green pineapples." I said, and she fell back onto the couch in a deep trance. "Now whenever I say a sentence with the word purple at the beginning, you will not hear what i say, but you will think it as though it is your own thought. And whenever I say a sentence with the word blue at the beginning you will not hear what i say, but you will do it. "3-2-1, wake up." "What happened?" "Purple Everything is perfectly normal. Nothing, is everything alright?" "Yup everything fine, lets carry on." "Purple I am so horny. Ok sure let's carry on." "Lets go." "Purple I really need to pee super badly, but I can't do anything about it." We walked outside, now with Christine making interesting faces as she really needed to pee. "Are you alright?" I asked "Yup, I'm fine, I just need to go to the bathroom quickly." "You can go in ours." "Thanks." "Blue pee a tiny bit." "Ahhh" Christine let out a yelp. "What? Are you sure you're ok?" "Yes, I'm fine" She said as she picked up the pace and placed herself ahead of me on our way back to my house. We walked through the door to my house and I showed her the bathroom upstairs. I could see the dark stain on the inside of her jeans as she walked up the stairs. "Blue You cannot see me anymore, and you will not lock the bathroom door or see it opening. Blue You are not able to pee even though you desperately need to go." Christine entered the bathroom and closed the door behind her. I waited about 5 seconds before I entered. As I came in I saw slight confusion in her face as she looked at the door while I closed it and then she went back to desperately trying to pee. Her wet jeans were down on the ground around her ankles and I saw her slightly hairy pussy for the first time. "Blue when you hear my voice while I am in here, you will here it as though it is coming from outside the bathroom." I said "Blue, put your pants on." Christine pulled her pants back on and stood up. "Blue, step into the bath. Purple I am so horny and aroused." Christine took a step into the bath and grasped her breasts, squeezing them slightly, and letting out a small moan. "Are you ok in there?" "Yes I'm fine." She replied. "Blue you desperately need to pee, and its becoming painful." Her face began to pucker at the pain and she stepped out of the bath and pulled her pants down to sit on the toilet. "Blue put your pants back on step into the bath and start peeing a little." Christine did so and I could see the tiny trickle going down her pant leg. "Purple oh my gosh this feels amazing, this is the best feeling I've ever had." The smile on her face was blossoming and she moaned slightly again. "Blue stop peeing, you don't need to pee. Blue massage your breasts." I watched as she began massaging her breasts, my cock going up fully as i watched her. "Blue take off all your clothes and start massaging your pussy." Watching the strip tease was too much and I started taking my own clothes off, careful to put them in the washing basket immediately. "Blue you now see my penis as a plastic penis stuck to the wall and you come over here to touch it and see what it is." Christine obligingly came over to where I was standing and grasped my penis, stroking it. "Purple this is so awesome, I want to stick it into my pussy. Blue push the penis into your vagina and start riding it." I almost lost it at this point while she was riding me. She started moaning quite consistently while I groped her breasts. "Blue stop riding the plastic penis, put your clothes on and finish going to the bathroom. Purple that was so awesome, I am so horny and aroused I want to fuck Nathan when I get back downstairs." I went out of the bathroom and walked back downstairs. "Blue you can see me again." I heard the toilet flushing and tap running while she washed her hands "Blue you cannot see or feel the pee on your jeans." She exited the bathroom and came downstairs with quite a large dark patch in her crotch, and a line going down her inner thigh. "Purple I should seduce him, and get him to fuck me brainless. Blue You take my hand and start seducing me." "Do you want some water?" I asked as she grabbed my hand and started stroking my arm. "What am I doing? Yes please." "I don't know. Blue You feel super horny and aroused, your vagina starts itching and you scratch it." I got some water with her holding onto my arm and starting to massage my neck. "Thanks." She said as she kissed me. I kissed her back passionately and I put my hands on her breasts and sent my tongue into her mouth. She responded in kind before suddenly pulling away and looking confused. "What am I doing?" She said looking desperately at her hands "I don't know, I enjoyed it whatever it was. Blue You cannot say anything or scream. Blue you are not horny or aroused and you cannot fight back." I carried on kissing her, but she didn't respond. "Blue you start getting aroused as i touch you." I groped her breasts hard and she looked at me shocked and perplexed as i carried on. I started running my hands down her chest, back and forth. I reached down to her crotch and grabbed it firmly. I felt all the muscles in her body involuntarily contract in pleasure. and suddenly she started kissing me passionately and grabbing my crotch. We carried on and slowly made our way upstairs as we started stripping each other. Once on my bed and fully naked I had an interesting thought. "Blue you cannot move or speak or moan, you are not horny or aroused, but you will begin to climax as I massage your clot." I watched her go totally limp on the bed and her eyes started looking around frantically as I massaged her pussy lips. I carried on and she started looking like she was going to orgasm with her eyes. "Blue you can move now" She suddenly started writhing in pleasure under my hand as her mouth gaped open and closed. "Blue You are going to take control now and force me to do your weirdest fantasy. Purple I am going to control nathan and force him to do what I want. Blue you can speak now" "Finally, I have my voice back. Where's some rope?" Christine asked "Rope? In the garage." She ran down the stairs naked and dashed into the garage. Returning with it a few seconds later. She began to tie my hands behind my back and my feet together in the bath. She then ran down stairs to get a cup. She filled it up and forced me to drink it. Then she refilled it and forced me to drink it again. She repeated it until my stomach felt like it was about to burst. She then put her clothes on and went downstairs. She returned with a some tape and a plastic packet. She tied my limp penis with the plastic packet and secured it firmly so that there was absolutely no room to move. My penis immediately became erect, painfully as she simply sat down with her book waiting