
He: last time you were choked?

Her: choked?

He: Hands over throat….

Her: Oh

He: Fingertips beneath chin….

Her: ohhh.

He: Tight grip…..

Her: Yes

He: Firm wrist…

Her: uh huh

He: Balls deep…

Her: Well uh

He: Grinding against your labia

Her: Damn

He: Well?

Her: Less air?

He: Oh

Her: More pressure?

He: Yes

Her: Heart racing….

He: Definitely

Her: Clinch?

He: Good

Her: Lips on my nips?

He: sucking?

Her: Nibbling?

He: Pushing.

Her: Swiveling?

Her: Taken

Her: Yes, yes master

Categorized as sexystories


Four pillows on the bed, you lay naked. East to west. Arms folded. Thighs separated, laying on your chest. 4 straps, 3 pairs of cuffs, 2 paddles, 1 butt plug.

“How are you,” I whisper in your ear. Then walk over to dim the lights in the room.

No reply. Just bright big dilated green reflective eyes. Only light in the room is bouncing off your pupils. I bight your collar bone, and scrape the skin with my teeth.

“Fuck”, echoes of the walls.

I stand. I look down, you look up. You catch my eyes as they focus just beyond the tip of my cock that is in your face. I lean forward and bite your ass cheek, roughly.

“Fuck, damnit.” You glare at me in frustration.

I stand. You lay. I kneel. Run my fingers through your hair and begin to kiss you. Bottom lip suck. Top lip opens up. Tongues collide. Closed eyes.

You reach forward and place your hand on my chest. “That’s better,” as you express your gratitude.

Categorized as sexystories