Yet ANOTHER short FVF boxing story (part 2!)
Hazel rested behind the chain link fence of the backyard arena. Anxious about her first fight there. Female fighters all reclined at the front rows waiting for their chance to compete against one another.
In the arena two women were squaring off against one another. They circled each other, both of them giving off brutal wolf-like glares. In the backyard arena, there was competition in nearly every aspect. Every woman here wore light makeup to make themselves look more appealing. They wore racy outfits. More fit for a modeling gig than a bare-knuckle boxing match.
It was all to excite the betting men (and women). Money always went to the most attractive women. And the best fighters.
Hazel was jolted awake by a huge *Twhack!* and the crowd going wild. Apparently the fight had started. A blond white prizefighter had just downed a tanned brunette. They both wore rhinestone coated colorful bras, their bottom briefs were cut out to leave just enough to the imagination. The crowd roared on as the blond dove into the brunette and started to pound her senseless with her bare fists.