Porch Light [MM]

It is black in my living room. I can barely see a few feet into the darkness, and the light from my laptop is not helping at all. My cat keeps swatting something on the floor, making a racket, and I keep straining to see what is it. It’s just too dark.

The autumn’s light fades early enough that it is dark when people are still milling about; joggers out for an evening run, or people walking their dogs. I pick up my laptop and head to the porch, settling easily into the comfortable wicker chair. It helps me feel connected to the world.

Across the street, Mike is pulling into his driveway. I guess that he is just getting home from work, though a little later than usual, but when he steps out I see that he is wearing a comfortable white t-shirt and gray workout shorts. He must have hit the gym after work. I wave to him, and he smiles, returning the greeting. I feel a quickening–almost imperceptible. Mike is a great guy.

The laptop screen once again blinds me to the world, and I am so absorbed in my work that I don’t hear Mike until he is almost to my porch. “How was your workout?” I ask, a little startled.

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