Moms Delight

I woke up the other morning and just felt off. Kind of tired and kind of feeling like i had slept wrong. I knew mom was going to be home most of the day as it was her day off rotation. I got up brushed my teeth and showered thinking that it would help me become more of myself. Welllll it didnt. Unfortunately the shower didnt do what i had hoped. So i dried off and in my towel went to find mom to put icyhot down my back to try and release some of the discomfort i was feeling. As we dont have doors on the rooms i peaked in just to make sure she was awake and i found her in bed replying to charts and making notes. I walked in and said ” i thought you were off today” she quickly replied with a laugh and said ” might not be on rotation but these charts need attention”.
I sat on the bed and said ” speaking of attention can you put this on my back. Its real tight and hurts”. She told me yes and finished typing something and asked for the icyhot. She rolled it on my back for me and asked what i had done to it. I explained that it had just been like that for a day or two and i wasnt sure.
I layed there with her and she started playing with my hair and we talked for a minute befor she got a call. I could tell it was work by the way she was talking and the tone of her voice. So i decided to mess with her a bit and started touching on her inner thighs. Lightly going up them and playing with her panty line. She quickly pushed my face with wide eyes and shook her head no. Which to me meant more lol. I kept going until she started to spread her legs. I then was fingering her and rubbing her clit. I could see the struggle in her face not to moan. She was talking faster and faster and trying desperately to get off the phone. I could feel her pulsing on my fingers and could tell she was getting close.
She finally said bye and hung up the call and as soon as she hung up let out this built up long moan and started to squirt and gust everywhere. I looked up at her with a huge grin on my face as she took her hand and pushed my head to the side saying ” you shit head” while laughing. She had made it through the call without being obvious and had soaked all the sheets and comforter on the bed. I had this im proud of myself grin and laugh. I layed back down in her lap and she played with my hair somemore and she says ” we have got to find you a girlfriend, too many girls are missing out on you!”

Mom is a lot kinkier than i ever knew!

So as i have stated in previous posts my mom and i have been having a deeper sexual relationship for a little while now. It has been mostly been “normal sex”, well as normal as mother son sex is i guess. But nothing too kinky or out of the ordinary for sex, blowjobs, missionary, doggy the basics. But thislngs have definitely heated up. Which i am enioying a lot! So we where having sex last night and she was into it. Calling me baby-boy, sir and ohhhh son came out a lot. This vocal side i hadnt experienced with her yet. She has always just moaned loudly and given vocal encouragement like ” yes right there”, “harder”, “faster”, “too deep too deep” things like that so when she started this last night i got extremely hard and i guess she could feel the difference because she grabbed my by my throat and demanded i talk dirty to her, degrade her and “use her for my will”.
To me sexually this isnt new i have done this with girlfriends in the past, and a couple of hook ups that really enjoyed it as well. So i was down for it and started to call her my dirty cum loving slut, that she was such a whore for taking her sons cock and loving every inch of it, and so on. We where going for about 10 minutes and we have swapped back to being ontop of her missionary style and she looks me in the eyes and tells me to slap her. Well without thinking i slapped her. Not hard at all but enough that contact was made. Her response was “dont be a pussy slap me”. So i pulled back and hit her harder and then a little harder. She loved it. After 3 slaps i pulled out as she squirted everywhere. I had it dripping off my chest all the way down to my cock and balls.
Once she stopped i pushed back in her and within a couple more strokes i was there. Feeling her oussy milking my cock felt amazing. I could feel i was getting close so i pulled out and she grabbed it with her hands and stroked it a couple times and i came everywhere. Ribbons and ribbons of cum squirted all over her.
Once i was done she laughed back and started to giggle. She said ” i havent had that done to me in years thank you Jason”.
I was proud of my performance and could tell mom was too. I laughed ablittle with her and layed down next to her. We began to talk about random things as she played with my hair. She gave me a kiss jumped up and said she was going to shower. So we talked, her in the shower me in the bed, while she got cleaned up. The topic of my dating life came up. Asking me if i was seeing abyone special and when shes going to get grandbabies so on and so forth. I told her finding the right girl would be hard because obviously she would have to be accepting of our relationship and just hadnt found that girl yet. Mom jokingly said yeah thats not just something you can throw in on a tinder profile. We both died laughing. She said the right one will come along and not to worry.
A couple hours later i had already layed down for the night and mom was up drinking and video calling with one of her girlfriends ( who i have fucked on many occasions) . I got up and went to the kitchen to grab an apple and a glass of pineapple juice and saw them on the phone and said hey to her friend on video call. I told mom i was going to lay back down. She set her phone down and jumped up on the counter ( shes kibda short lol). I came to give her a kiss goodnight and the good night kiss got longer and longer.
I could feel mom put her hand in my cock and tell me shes going to want to go again before we go to sleep. I pulled my dick out and said why not now. She giggled and looked at her phone, said fuck it and started kissing me…..
Part 2 coming soon if yall want!

Categorized as Erotica