Kidnap dream

So this was a dream I had last night. I was abducted. I don’t remember how or where just that I was shoved into a vehicle and tied at the ankles and with my hands behind my back. My abductor was big and I mean big in a tall and heavy set way. He was older, in his 50s most likely, white hair and white skin. He takes me back to my house and all of a sudden I’m in my bedroom. He tosses me on my bed and begins to undress, leaving only his white t-shirt on. At this point I am crying and screaming and begging him to let me go and for him to leave my house. My pleas are obviously ignored. He takes the heat lamp from my bearded dragon and brings it onto the bed. This heat lamp is a 150 watt and can reach temperatures of 110°f+. At these temperatures, I have to be careful with it, I’ve even singed my carpet and counter tops with it. The lamp is only now heating up so it’s barely warm to the touch. He props me up sitting between his legs with my back against his chest and brings the lamp closer to my chest and face and tries to put it against my skin. I scream out of sheer fear and beg him not to hurt me. All I can think about is my husband. What will I tell him? That I’m sorry I’m stupid enough to get kidnapped? Sorry a stranger came into our home? He puts the lamp aside and turns me around so I am facing his body. This is the moment I knew I was going to be raped. He began groping my body all over, as if it wasn’t even mine. I kept thinking of my husband and how I would apologize to him, for being raped. He pushed my head down toward his crotch. It’s disgusting, I can see his belly covering part of his cock. His dick was small maybe a couple inches even when fully erect. He was pulling and pushing at my head and body trying to make me suck his cock and I almost threw up. I somehow managed to roll away from him and landed on the floor with a thud. He’s very frustrated at this and grabs the heat lamp again. Having set aside for a while it was all the way warmed up and he comes at my face once more with it trying to burn me, trying to brand me. I feel the warmth of the heat against my cheek and scream out of sheer and utter terror. I starting trying to kick at him and squirm away out of his reach, I basically lost my shit. And he all of a sudden stops. He puts the lamp down and just sits near by me. Readjusting his shirt, he startes talking to me. Asking me almost fun loving sexual questions about what kind of stripper I’d want to be. Trying to trick my captor, I respond calmly as if the previous events never occurred. We then hear my front door open and my head jerks toward the staircase as I eagerly watch and wait to see who it is. The man isn’t at all concerned about the noises he hears. I pray it’s my husband to rescue me. Upon hearing footsteps coming up the stairs, I sit still as stone hoping it’s him. I recognize his clothing and immediately start screaming again, begging for help and yelling his name. He comes into the bedroom. He’s not at all shocked at the situation before him. If anything his face almost looks… Remorseful. The abductor wasnt at all phased by my husbands presence. My husband unties me and goes into the bathroom and I, running behind him. After conversing a bit, it comes out that my kidnapper is a Co-worker of my husbands and they had agreed to stage a cnc scene without telling me. My husband had told him to kidnap me and rape me. It was eventually going to be both of them raping me but it was decided that the co-worker would do the actual kidnapping and first raping so I wouldn’t realize it was husband. But I started freaking out so much that the co-worker didn’t want to continue anymore.