[FM] [Fiction] -LISA-

**Chapter 1 / A slut inside of me**

Lisa put her favorite red dress and looked herself into the mirror. She felt embaressed.

Three years ago she was rocking it in this outfit but today she was hardly breathing in it. She felt embaressed of how much weight she had put on. She was still kind of attractive in a curvy, chubby kind of way, but she didn’t like it. She tought it was digusting. She didn’t want to go to the party feeling like this, but she had made a promise to her friend Jenny.

Lisa put on some make up and changed into a more comfy outfit. Took one last insecure glance at the mirror and went out.

Immideatly after she and Jenny arrived at the party, Jenny was swooped away by some curly hawaiian guy and Lisa found herself all alone at a party she knew almost no one.

She went on the terrasse for a smoke and while she was hesitating weather to leave or not, a tall drunk guy came to talk to here.

“Hey there, beautiful” he said confidently.

“I’m not beautiful” answered silently Lisa, and turned away to hide her blushing sides.



Chapter 4 / The younger, the better

Lisa got out of the Uber and saw Jenny waving at her from the house.

“Come Liz” she shouted ” You are missing it”

Lisa smiled and adjusted her hair looking at her sexy reflextion on the car’s window. She winked at the driver and wished him safe driving. He smiled back, showing his irregular theet and went off with a massive boner.

“Hurry up, Lizzie”

“I’m coming, I’m coming” answered Lisa “Calm you tits, girl”

“Lisaaa !” said Jenny in panic “You can’t say that here ! There are children in there”

Lisa looked at her friend a little annoyed and responded in a joking voice.

“They are not little children Jen, they are teenagers ! They know these words already and not only that..” she made a pause than added “.I bet some of them are already fucking each other”

Jenny thought about Sam for a second (her daughter) and went all red, imagining her 16 year old angel, already having sex. She had to sit down in order to calm herself. One moment she wants to be a princess, the other some gross guy might be sticking his dick inside her.


[Str8] [fiction]

Chapter 3 / Lisa and Bunny

It has been a few weeks since the double penetration and tentacle fucks and Lisa was sitting home, reading an old hentaï story she had in her desk.

She was wearing cute green Adidas shorts, which contrasted well with her snow-white hairs. Her eyes sparkeled with excitment behind those sexy glaces and if it weren’t for her college sweat, her hard nipples would have been free to wander. Two curvy legs were hanging from the side of the sofa and waving in the rythm of a song.

The story she was reading only reminded her of the tentacle guy and filled her with the need for more. She hadn’t heard him from then, and most importantly she hadn’t fucked also. She felt horny many times but hesitated to do something about it, so she ended up masturbating with her alien dildo every time.

Today however was diffrent. All this sexual energy she had since few weeks ago, she needed to use. She was finnally accepting who she really was-
a sex driven person, a wild slut in the search of eternal orgasm.


[Str8] [fiction]

Chapter 2 / Another Day, Another Tentacle.

Lisa looked down to find her feet in water. Where was she ? She looked around and saw nothing. She screamed and nobody answered.

“What is this place ? ” she tought to herself.

A space between spaces, a virgin world, not touched by god or by humains. Whatever it was, it was freezing and dark and Lisa left with only a soaking shirt on her and nothing else was trembling from fear and cold.

Suddenly a light appeared in the distance, somewhere beyond the horizon, barely visible.
Not knowing what to do she started walking to the light. Step by step she felt warmer, step by step she felt better. She walked for days. Without stopping, and without sleeping.

Still marching through water after 7 days of traveling Lisa arrived at a gate. And at this gate a giant octupus was waiting. However there was something humain in his eyes. She could read a desire and a need. She could feel he was suffering and he was sad.


[Str8] [Fiction]

Lisa put her favorite red dress and looked herself into the mirror. She felt embaressed.

Three years ago she was rocking it in this outfit but today she was hardly breathing in it. She felt embaressed of how much weight she had put on. She was still kind of attractive in a curvy, chubby kind of way, but she didn’t felt like that. She tought she was digusting. She didn’t want to go to the party feeling like this, but she had made a promise to her friend Jenny.

She put on some make up and changed into a more comfy outfit, that doesn’t show her curves. Took one last insecure glance at the mirror and went out.

Immideatly after she and Jenny arrived at the party, Jenny was swooped away by some curly hawaiian guy and Lisa found herself all alone on a party she knew almost no one.

She went on the terrasse for a smoke and while hesitating if she want to leave, a tall drunk guy came to talk to here.

“Hey there, beautiful” he said confidently.

“I’m not beautiful” answered silently Lisa, and turned away to hide her blushing sides.