How I Met my Soulmates (?) – Inspired by True Events

(Not a writer, just want to get this off my chest)

**Cue Dial Up Noise**

It’s been 8 years since we broke up and rarely a day goes by that I don’t think of Jay. We met at the young age of 13 on some random chat room.

*15 years earlier*


“13/f/Canada,” I replied.

“13/m/Aus”, he replied.

He was trapped in bed with a broken leg. I was sneaking onto the internet late at night while I was staying with my grandmother, house sitting.

There was something different about him. For one, he didn’t immediately start talking about masturbating, that would come later. Second, he was actually fucking hilarious. Third, he actually got me, like really understood me.

We talked for years all through out high school on my favourite, now dead, program, MSN Messenger. At first, we were both paranoid about being ‘cat-fished’, before cat-fishing was even a term. It took years to build up to actual video chats and we were both so nervous.