[TG] Impulse Control

*Glen gets a taste of his own medicine after being transformed into a woman who gets more bimbofied with every orgasm.*


Glen slammed the door shut in frustration while simultaneously hitting the ‘Block’ button on his phone. Another date gone disastrously through no fault of his own. When he’d given up on meeting somebody in person and moved to online dating an aps, he thought it would cut out a lot of the chaff. None of this slowly getting to know each other business, he could state outright what he wanted in a woman and simply wait for them to come to him and vice versa. Despite this though, he’d had three dates this week and none of them had lasted past the appetisers. This one had been the worst; while the other two women he’d seen had just stomped off in a huff his latest girl, Sasha had the gall to call him a sexist and throw her drink in his face.

[Bimbo TG] Changing Fortunes

For early access to more stories like this as well as exclusives please consider supporting me on Patreon: [www.patreon.com/SpiralledEye](https://www.patreon.com/SpiralledEye)

The night was young but so were Andrew and his colleagues, meaning they had no shame whatsoever being completely drunk at a bar on a work night. The whole team had gone down to the local bar to blow off steam after putting the finishing touches on their proposal for tomorrow. Every team in their office was vying for that extra funding so tensions had run high for weeks.

For some, this night was to calm their nerves but not Andrew, he knew they would be successful with him at the helm. Despite only being in his early twenties he’d already been promoted twice and this team was yet another stepping stone. When they got the funding for their new software program, he was sure it would launch him to even greater heights. Soon, he’d be living the high life with all the money, women and riches he could dream of. He just had to ensure nothing went wrong with the presentation tomorrow. He’d just returned to their table with another round to see Tony talking animatedly.

[TF/TG] Consequences of Impatience

Commission for Charlotte-TG

For early access to my stories as well as exclusives please consider supporting me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/SpiralledEye


While being single sucked, Charlie had always taken solace in the fact that he never had to spend his weekends following around some woman holding her shopping. He never had to sit for hours only to be nagged at to hurry up and pay for overpriced dresses. Or at least, that was the idea. The universe was a cruel and unusual place sometimes so here he was, wasting a perfectly good summer day being dragged from shop to shop, all because he was the unfortunate soul who had Nina for a sister. At twenty-six, he was far too old to be bullied into driving her around town while her car was in the shop and yet, here he was.

“Pull up here.” She ordered, “I need to go to the library.”

“The library?” He balked, “You do know the internet exists right? It’s not the 90’s anymore.”

“Some things can only be found in books.” Nina smiled as they pulled up, “You can wait here. I’ll only be a few minutes.”

[TF/TG] Caught in the Act

A Commission for Rosenile on DeviantArt

You stare at the outfit, meticulously planned and laid out across the bed. Your wife had finished putting it together not long before she left to meet her girlfriends and you have been staring at it ever since. The centrepiece was a gorgeous chiffon dress, orchid purple and with a flowing skirt and deep V neckline. You had ached with jealousy watching her try it, along with a dozen others, yesterday afternoon at the mall. She always insisted you come with her when she went shopping, not because she needed you to pay, but because she needed an audience. Sonya loves to play dress up, even now that she’d reached her thirties; hiding your jealousy at her freedom to do so took more will power than you would ever openly admit.

You run your fingers across the smooth fabric of the sash, imagining what it would feel like cinched at your own waist. How the dark heels she’d paired with it would feel against the soles of your feet. You smile, knowing that soon you would no longer be wondering. Sonya had left almost twenty minutes ago; the coast was clear.

[TF/TG] The House of Lust

Damien is seduced and transformed by a demon from Hell. Now he must earn his soul back by working as a succubus at the House of Lust.

For early access to my stories as well as exclusives please consider supporting me on Patreon: [www.patreon.com/SpiralledEye](https://www.patreon.com/SpiralledEye)


In the stories they always talk about whiskey burning on the way down. What they fail to mention is that after two or three more shots your throat goes numb and you can drink the stuff like water. Which is exactly what Damien had discovered tonight, swallowing down his fourth shot in as many minutes while dejectedly staring at his phone. His inbox was still empty, weeks of passing out resumes and still not a single interview. At first, he’d been picky only applying for office and banking job but today he’d applied at three grocery stores for bagging positions. His bank account was steadily declining and at this rate he’d be out of money entirely by next week. Then he’d lose his shitty apartment when he couldn’t pay the rent and that was it. Seven days and he’d be homeless, though that window of time was rapidly closing with each purchase of whiskey, cheap and nasty as it was.

[TF/TG] The Milkmaid’s Tale

Go to the country, they said. The fresh air will do you good, they said.

Fresh air my ass.

City air may be smoggy and filled with cigarette smoke but I’d take that over the reek of cow dung any day.

“Hurry up, city boy!”

I huffed in frustration and turned to see Calvin and the rest of the farm hands smiling at me smugly from the truck. Of course, they had already finished unloading. When my aunt had ‘suggested’ this farm-stay holiday she had failed to mention it would come prepacked with a bunch of arrogant yokels who thought the highest form of comedy was watching a ‘city slicker’ try to lift hay bales.

“It’s John.” I reminded them for the fourth time, “and if one of you could give me a hand, we could all get back to the house a lot faster!”

“Oh, poor Johnny boy!” Calvin jeered, jumping down and hefting the haybale over his shoulder with ease, “didn’t Farm Simulator 3000 prepare you for this?”

[TF/TG] The Choker – Part 2

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/v1mrkt/tftg_the_choker/)

For early access to my stories as well as exclusives please consider supporting me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/SpiralledEye


Jake stared at his desk drawer.

Inside sat a non-descript black choker baring a silver star. It had been a week since he’d woken up in bed with Devan, still in his Jackie form wearing nothing but that choker.

He’d snuck out before anybody else woke and ran straight back to his apartment, fully intending to rip it off his throat on the way and throw it far away. But he hadn’t been able to. Even brushing his fingers against the clasp sent memories of how it had felt through his mind. The feeling of his arse growing, his chest swelling, it made him shiver.

He hated how hard it had been to take off. His body had changed back instantly, yet the transformation back had not felt nearly as good. It felt wrong, like his body was deflating. Unable to throw the choker away he’d stuffed it in his drawer and tried his best not to think about it.

He was failing miserably.

[TF/TG] On the Edge

***If you like my work and was early access and exclusives please consider supporting me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/SpiralledEye***

*Michael uses a spell to learn what it feels like to become a woman but he’s playing a dangerous game. If he cums he stays that way forever.*


Michael shifted uncomfortably on the couch. He’d been imagining this meeting for weeks, ever since he tracked the witch down online and this…wasn’t what he was expecting. Rather than a wooden hut sequestered away in the woods he was sitting in a regular living room patterned in pastels with a ‘Live, Laugh, Love’ posted taking up much of the wall. If anything, the normalcy made him feel more uncomfortable and this so called ‘witch’ wasn’t helping.

She looked more like a yoga instructor than a bestower of magical spells. She wore tights and a tank top and had light brown hair that bounced on her sun-tanned shoulders. When he’d arrived, he’d assumed he’d gotten the address wrong until she gave her name.

“So,” Sally plopped herself down on the adjacent couch, “you want a spell to become a woman?”

Michael nodded and blushed deeply.

[TF/Preg] From Bimbo to Breeder

Anonymous commission.

If you like my work and was early access and exclusives please consider supporting me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/SpiralledEye


Slowly, Stacey began to wake. It must have been some night out, last thing she remembered was walking out her front door ready to hit the clubs. Rubbing her eyes sleepily she gathered herself up in the sheets of the bed and looked around. The walls and floor were metal, the only furniture was the bed she was currently laying on, stark white with an almost medical feel. Most concerning of all though, she couldn’t see a door.

“Uh…hello?” She called, “Is this like, some new modern living thing? ‘Cause it really ain’t my style.”

She must have gone home with some artsy type last night, not usually her type but on well.

Groggily she swung her legs over the side of the bed and realised she was still fully clothed in the strapless mini dress and heels she’d put on the evening before. That was odd; if she’d slept with somebody this wasn’t the outfit to do it, the straps laced halfway up her legs and the dress was made of an uncompromising leather. To her horror she realised the already tight dress was now painfully digging into her skin slightly. She had to get to the gym, the last thing she needed was to get fat! Surely the dress hadn’t been that tight when she put it on though…

[TF/Preg] Bimbo to Breeder

***Anonymous commission.***

***If you like my work and was early access and exclusives please consider supporting me on Patreon:*** [***www.patreon.com/SpiralledEye***](http://www.patreon.com/SpiralledEye)


Slowly, Stacey began to wake. It must have been some night out, last thing she remembered was walking out her front door ready to hit the clubs. Rubbing her eyes sleepily she gathered herself up in the sheets of the bed and looked around. The walls and floor were metal, the only furniture was the bed she was currently laying on, stark white with an almost medical feel. Most concerning of all though, she couldn’t see a door.

“Uh…hello?” She called, “Is this like, some new modern living thing? ‘Cause it really ain’t my style.”

She must have gone home with some artsy type last night, not usually her type but on well.

Groggily she swung her legs over the side of the bed and realised she was still fully clothed in the strapless mini dress and heels she’d put on the evening before. That was odd; if she’d slept with somebody this wasn’t the outfit to do it, the straps laced halfway up her legs and the dress was made of an uncompromising leather. To her horror she realised the already tight dress was now painfully digging into her skin slightly. She had to get to the gym, the last thing she needed was to get fat! Surely the dress hadn’t been that tight when she put it on though…