Sir tries to pack; Kitten distracts. [mf] [kitten!kink] [mild hair pulling] [kitten on top] [mutual orgasms]

“Kitten, have you seen my- oh, hello,” He purred as he leaned in the doorway of our shared bedroom.

“Looking for something?” I said with a teasing lilt to my voice, raising an eyebrow. He nodded and stalked closer, eyes dark. “Anything I can help with?” My voice was breathy as he crouched at the foot of our bed, clearly preparing to pounce.

“Don’t move,” he suggested, eyes on mine. “That would be ideal.” He winked at me and, before I could react, he launched himself into the air over the edge of the bed and pinned me down. “You found my Nirvana tee,” he observed once we broke apart from the heated embrace, both of us panting, both of our lips swollen.

“*You* found your Nirvana tee,” I corrected, grinning at him. “I just happen to be in it and nothing else.” I gasped when he kissed me hard and rolled me over to swat me lightly. “Ooooh Sir, what did I do to earn that?”

Categorized as Erotica

I’ve Been Thinking [mf] [impreg] [oral] [kitten kink]

“Kitten?” Jake paused in the doorway to our bedroom from the closet, tie loose around his neck and pants half-unzipped. My eyes snapped up at the pet name; it was one he saved for intimate moments in the bedroom or when he was hoping to get me in a dirtier mindset.

“Kitten, I’ve been thinking,” Jake continued, tugging at the tie and tossing it on the bed lazily beside my alert form. He was being calculatedly casual; I already knew I’d do whatever he wanted. Teasing me with the tie – his subtle hints at bondage that he used all the time drove me wild. Calling me Kitten – he was perfectly aware of the yearning pull he was initiating between my legs with just two syllables. He was quiet for a moment and I quickly realized I’d lost focus.

My afternoon [mf]

“Angel,” He purred from the doorway. I swallowed hard and raised my eyes to meet his. “Someone’s been bad.”

“That’s – that’s debatable,” I stammered, feeling the flush rise in my cheeks, not sure if it was desire or shame at my earlier behavior. Did he know? I honestly wasn’t sure if he knew or if he was just teasing me.

He arched an eyebrow. “Is it now?” I nodded, biting my lip. His hand trailed down his stomach and I sighed internally, watching his long fingers trace the outline in his jeans. “I don’t think it’s debatable. I think it’s pretty evident that someone,” he drew the word out, eyes locked on mine, “has been touching herself in our bed without me.”

“How- how do you know that?”

He grinned, stepping closer and offering me a hand to draw me up to my feet. Once I was upright, he pulled me flush against him so I could feel how hard he was. His hands went to my hips and his thumbs pressed into the small of my back. “Angel. My sweet, precious, messy Angel.” He moved one hand to cup my chin so he could raise my lips to his. “How many times have I made you come?”

Categorized as Erotica