The balcony sex

Its late night. I’ve come to your place to visit you and your parents. We like to stay awake a little late than usual. Everyone else is sleeping, i give you a goodnight kiss like every night, and i bid you farewell.

But your hands dont leave mine, instead you pull me closer. And whisper “i want it rightnow, right here”. “But everyone’s asleep, and we dont have a place” says me. You point towards your balcony and tell me to go out there.

I dont think for a second thought and just go out there, you follow me bringing condom with you. You push me against the wall.

I am nervous cause i have never done it infront of anyone else before. You look into my eyes and say “i am gonna make you cum like you’ve never cummed before” although you are the only person i have ever had sex with, i like your confidence and give my consent.

Categorized as Erotica

Arrival sex

The day of your arrival i am shaking and trembling and anxious and at the same time so happy to see you, to feel you for the first time after so many months. I wait near the door, not moving my eyes not even for a second and then i see you. We come running towards each other clearing the people between us and stand infront of each other for a second just to let our eyes wander of what prize we have got to ourselves for the rest of our lifes. We have a hug and you give me a little peck on my cheeks.

We get to the car, and as i go to start the engine, you take my face and point it towards you and give me a kiss you couldn’t have given me in front of all those people. Our first kiss and so passionate it sends chills between my legs. It’s night so not many people are at the airport.

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