[MF] The Red Room – Chapter 1

It was nearing midnight when Damien opened the front door for Rachel. They had just finished their 3rd date and when he had suggested a night cap, she could not resist.

He had said he was high up in a business firm in London, but when she walked into his apartment she was stunned. She was standing in a large open plan living space with a black marble kitchen, complete with floating island and breakfast bar. This shared the space with a 3-piece sofa suite, a plush rug and a large fireplace taking centre stage on the far wall. She also noticed a very well stocked glass drinks cabinet in one corner.

There were 3 doors leading into other rooms, the first was a bathroom, the second looked like a bedroom, she was sure she would be more acquainted with this room later. The third door was closed, and her imagination began to run away with her.

As she took her coat off and placed it on one of the breakfast stools, revealing a tight, short, black slip that had been hugging her in ways that made her confidence soar, Damien headed over to the drinks cabinet, pouring himself a whiskey, and a generous vodka tonic for her. Placing them onto the coffee table as he on the sofa, smirking to himself as Rachel looked around the apartment in awe.

Categorized as sexystories

Destressing after a long day of work

[M4F] It was the Sunday before they were due to go for their romantic week away in the woods, Angel had just come in from work after doing an extra shift over the weekend and fell onto the sofa, feet aching and drained.

She had just finished taking her shoes off, putting her feet up on the coffee table and switching the TV on to find some mindless rubbish, when Simon came in, dropping a glass of wine into her hand and a tray with some cheese and crackers into the other.

“Long day?” He asked and was met by a groan.

“I’ll take that as a yes,” he responded with a chuckle.

After a while of flicking through channel after channel they concluded on the millionth rerun of an episode of Big Bang. Not far through the second episode a second glass was empty, and the crackers were nothing, but a few crumbs left on the plate.

“I’m going to get changed,” Angel announced, heading for the stairs.

Grabbing the comfiest pyjamas from her draw she could find, consisting of a pair of thin shorts and a woolly pull over top, quickly changing before sitting at the dressing table to run a brush through her hair and take off her make up.

Categorized as sexystories