She stepped into the shower and let warm water bubble over her neck. It was unusual for her to be home first, although the directions she had been given were quite specific. Her thoughts lingered on his message. Only a week before she would have considered it most unusual, but the events of the last few days had introduced a new and exciting perspective to their relationship.
Earlier that week something inexplicable had happened, something so strange it felt almost dreamlike. The following day they awoke, unsure if had really happened. He described the experience as a trance. Some part of him that had always existed in his subconscious but never truly manifested itself. It took control of his body and spellbound he acted upon his darkest urges. The devil inside him dominated her, animalistic, used her for his satisfaction. That encounter prompted a rediscovery of her kink for domination and her appetite lingered on, unsatiated. The results were electifying. All she could think about was that evening, replaying over and over again in her mind.