I Still Need It [FM] [Vibrator] [Single mum]

Standing in the rain Janet watches as James waves back at her, his little face shining in the gloom. Dropping her hand back to her side she breathes out a held breath as her baby boy steps into school. The rain taps on her brolly and wind tugs at it as she stands alone, missing him already.

The chatty crowd of parents began to disperse and she puts her hand in her jacket pocket and turns to away to walk down the street, back home. The is a small gaggle of chatting mothers that she squeezes past taking care not to bump into stray pushchairs or toddlers.

It is only a short walk home but her hand feels cold without him holding tight. Janet passes the shops not looking into the windows that announce big sales. Creeping along the dying high-street she turns away from a packed café the sent of fat heavy in the air. Holding her breath she hurries on past and braces herself for the uphill struggle.

The Depths of Longing [F/M] [Trigger Warning: Suicide Attempt]


Clouds silently flow overhead, their dark foreboding shape a warning to the mass of humanity far below. Below the clouds but far above the world stands a woman; her feet are together and her back strait, she has her eyes closed. She is unmoving her body ridged, face calm and bare skin smooth even in the chill air.

She stands naked but for her hat, it’s wide brim of woven straw shading her face. She stands tall legs long and toned no marks or imperfections marring her figure. Her body is a consistent pale tone with no sights of blemish or tan. She has her long arms hanging loose by her side fingers slightly curved. Her chest doesn’t move, breasts still and her small nipples flat.

Far above a crack of thunder sounds and she opens her eyes. Looking out over the endless city below, her deep purple eyes gloss over the view. She closes her eyes again as they are covered by her long green hair, it flows down her back stopping just before her small round ass. Body relaxed it holds its shape unnaturally just like the curve to her large breasts.

Categorized as Erotica

Painful Victory [M/F]

“*Five*.” Their voices mixed together in the tense air. “*Four*.” She smiled as she said it moments before he did. “*Three*” A longer pause that time, and he was barely in front. “*Two*” They raised their hands in unison. They locked eyes… “*One*” They both smiled as they said it together.

Their raised hands moved forwards past each other and with finger and thumb extended they landed on the opposite chest.

“*Go*” They shouted together and at once they both clamped down their fingers on the others bare nipples. They both let out a small gasp of air and then their body’s tensed up.

Her long blue nails bit down deep into his small soft nipples, chest hair brushing at her fingers as she twisted slightly.

His fingers griped hard at the tips of her pointy nipples, pulling slightly he caused her breasts to lift up with a small bounce.

They locked eyes, no hint of pain showing in either face. Smiling they tried to assert a calm dominance.

He looked away first, distracted by the curve of her breast in the candle light. Her eyes then went down his hairy chest to his defined abs before settling on his crotch.

Categorized as Erotica